#105- I Miss My Brother Who Passed Away

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I Miss My Brother Who Passed Away
From day one all we did was fight,
now all I do is fight back my tears.
I wanted to do everything you did,
because I wanted to be just like you
Now I sit here wondering what to do,
because there's no one to replace you.

I never did tell you all the things I felt,
like how much I really did love you.
I wish we could go back and start over again.
I don't want to be alone. I need my brother,
I need my best friend.

When you think of me 
while your up in heaven,
Think of how much you meant to me.

Its sad that you left
without saying goodbye,
But just remember we all love you
as you began to fly.

You did so much for me,
as I didn't do much for you.
I hope you will forgive me,
for all the things I didn't do

You were my brother
and my best friend.
I will always love you 
no matter how long it’s been,
since your life came to an end.

Writing to tell you how much I have learned, 
to show you that through fragility I become a stronger person
More able to understand, more able to listen and to care, 
Hurt through loss, I've become yet a wiser person

--- We Love You Kuya ---

We miss you
We love you


Happy bday

Love, Friendship, Challenges And, Nature (Spoken Word Poetry) Ukiyoto PublishingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon