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Hey guys!! Welcome to my new book! :). Minicat... I love it ;3. So I'm making anudder wun!!! Hope ye enjoy!! :3)

Craig's POV

I open my front door sighing heavily from relief. I throw my graduation hat on the floor while stomping to the kitchen. I put the coffee machine on while scrolling down my contacts. I stop when I get to the name: Bryce, my older cousin.

I press the call button and wait.


B: "Hey man!"

C: "Hey Bryce!"

B: "How was graduation?"

C: "Amazing!!"

B: "Ikr! You feel like a cheetah with wings!"

C: "Haha, or a pig with wings."

*Both laugh*

B: "You should come over tomorrow. So we can celebrate your freedom."

C: "But I need to find a job Bryce..."

B: "We'll worry about that later... it's only tomorrow. Kk see ya at mine at 4:00pm bye!!"


I chuckle to myself as the coffee machine goes off. I pour my coffee in a mug and sit on the sofa. I turn my little TV on to watch the news.

~~~~ News ~~~~

"On the news today, an oil company in California got sent to the ground from being set on fire."

"Later that day, all the money was found stolen. Unfortunately non of it was taken on the cameras and they got away with hundreds of thousands of dollars."

"Luckily a women passing by, saw the scene of the crime. Onto you Lara Hampshire."

"T-they all had animal masks... and guns. They almost killed m-me. Before they went in a yellow van and rushed down the road j-just before the cops came."

"Ok thank you Lara Hampshire. The government is trying to figure out who these guys are but with not much of a lead."

"And on some other news..."


I finish slurping my coffee to sit up. I sit up to look out the window. 'That's not far from here.' I thought while looking into the stary sky.

I shrug to myself, I turn around and go into my room. I snuggle in my covers, thinking about tomorrow. 'What's going to happen?'

(INTRODUCTION PPLZ!! Calm down. Normal parts will be the usual 1000 words I promise. This book took so long to think off because I planned it first. Instead of improvising xD. Anyway see ya'll in the next part!! ;3)


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