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Craig's POV

I open my eyes to see a beam of light from the curtains. I yawn as I glace at my phone. '11:00.'

I curl in a ball wanting to go back to sleep until I hear a knock on the door. I groan loudly and stomp to the door. I swing the door open to be greeted by Bryce. "Hey Mini!!"

"Hey 'BryceMcQuaid'." I chuckle letting him in.

He rolls his eyes and slumps on the sofa. "Ok, so change of plan!" Bryce jumps exited.

I sigh and shrug walking towards the kitchen. Bryce huffs bouncing on the cushions. "We have a party at the bar!" Bryce grins.

I shake my head straight away. "No way."

"What?! Why not... you haven't been drunk yet. And why not be drunk with your good ol' cousin Brycie? Eh?"

I roll my eyes turning back to my cereal. 'Well, what else is there to do? It could be kinda fun...'

A small smile showed on my lips. "Fine, but your paying."

Bryce stood up and pumps his chest. "All on me baby."

I giggle at his stupidness. "What time we leaving then?" I ask.

"5:00?" Bryce answers.

I nodd in agreement as I finish off my cereal.

~~~~6 Hours Later~~~~

"Ready to go Bryce?" I ask grabbing the keys to my apartment.

Bryce nodds as he follows behind me.

We exit the apartment and get in Bryce's car. Whilst driving our favourite song comes on so we turn the music up to full and we sing along.

When we get to the bar the place is full. Lots of people where watching football, drinking, chatting.

We walk to the bar tender and order some beer and whiskey. We grab our drinks an held them high. "Cheers, to becoming a real man." I smile.

A while later a group of guys walk into the bar. "Ready to get drunk tonight boys?!" One of them yells.

All off them cheer in response while walking to a big table in the middle. One of them catches my eye as he smiles at his friends. He looks at me in the eye so I look back at my drink. "What you looking at?" Bryce asks me looking over to the group.

"Nothing," I sigh.

~~~1 hour later~~~

"Hehehe, say that again." Bryce snorts.

I roll my eyes as I watch my drunk cousin being silly. I take another sip of whiskey and then stood up. "Where you... going?" Bryce slurred.

"Toilet," I mutter.

I rush to the loo to look in the mirror. I look messed up... "Shit," I whisper to myself fixing my hair.

After fixing myself up I open the door to see the same dude infront of me. He looks down at me and chuckles. "Excuse me bud."

I walk past him, still looking at his face. I notice that he has a small scar beside his nose. I smile back and quickly rush back to Bryce, blushing like mad. I see Bryce flirting with a girl with a purple ombre. I just sit awkwardly next to them, drinking my whiskey.

I huff as I look around the room in wonder. But then I catch the same guy staring at me. My heart skips a beat as I quickly straighten my glasses and fix my hair again. I face away sighing just to here the seat beside me move. "You know, there's no need to fix your hair cutie." A deep voice answered.

I look over to the voice to see the dude smirking at me. "The names Aiden."

He puts his hand out so I shake it. "Um... Craig." I mumble.

His light blue eyes sparkle from the light. He orders the bartender for more drinks while we keep talking.

After a while I feel my head feel heavy as I get more and more wasted...


My head felt heavy as I wake up in a bed, with an arm around my waist. I look to my right to see Aiden sleeping next to me. That's when I realize, we're both naked...

I look down at his chest to see a perfect six pack. I feel myself drool a bit from the site before he flinches. I jump making him open his eyes. He smiles at me so I blush hard. "Morning beutiful."

I smile as I look down in embarrassment. He hugs me more tightly as his dick touches my leg. My eyes widen at the leangth. "W-what happened last night?" I ask.

He chuckles deeply. "Lets just say you liked it rough."

I cover my face in the covers as I try to get the dirty images out of my head.

I feel cold as Aiden removes his arm from my waist and gets out of bed. "Well, sorry baby but I've gotta go." He sighs while rushing to put his clothes on.

But by the time I could say anything back he grabs his wallet and leaves. 'Kinda rude.'

I hear something hit the floor so I get up and put my pants on. I look on the floor to see a drivers license:

Driving License

Name: Tyler Wine

Age: 21

Born in: Tenesse, America

Height: 6:1

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Pale Blue

My eyes widen as I start chasing after him. I catch up to him, panting. "Um... you forgot this."

He looks at the license with wide eyes. He quickly snatches it away from me and drags me out of the motel we where in. "Hey! What are you doing?" I yell.

He drags me on the car and grabs somthing from the pocket of the door. He holds it up against my nose to let me inhale the sent. "What's... tha...."


"We can't just leave him alone, he knows your real information!"

"Yeh I know but he might be able to help us!"

The words echo in my head while I slowly wake up. I groan alerting the guys infront of me. "Where am I?"

I see one of them sigh and walk away, the other walks up to me. "Craig, welcome to the Banana Bus Crew."

(Hey guys hope you enjoyed the first proper part!! :D. Hybrid stuff is coming later I promise xDD. Anyways hope ya having a great day and see yaaas!!! :3)


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