Happy Tears

69 4 1

Evan's POV

I stare at him in disbelief. "Hello Evan, I thought I would run into you."

Ohm nods at the shop keeper, making him walk away. "We thought you where gone... like dead even. We thought Luke..."

Ohm holds his hand up, shutting me up. "I know I left without warning, but I didn't want to stay there because... I felt bad for what I was doing." He sighs, putting his sunglasses away.

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously.

"Well at the start me and Luke got on very well, we would have fun, have some laughs and such. Until my uncle cast down his roll to me. Our love started to die, and slowly it became nothing. So I made a plan, to kidnap you and Tyler to... fix my pain."

"How would you do that?" I ask leaning in closer.

"Satisfaction mostly, and I thought if I did it to a very wanted gang I would get rewarded for it. But of course I got Craig instead of you... but I still followed my plan. Over some months however, Craig and Tyler started to bond... I felt jealous and selfish. So, I worked Tyler harder, and more frequently. Craig on the other hand was for myself, my little pet. But when Craig finally saw Tyler that one time, my heart split. Seeing the vicious monster I myself made, tower over such a small innocent creature. Made me realise that I was the beast, hurting other people just for my satisfaction. So, I ran away, hoping to find away to return with a good meaning." He explains, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I sigh as the words hit me hard on the stomach. 'I wonder what that feels like... to be like a beast.'

"So um... are you guys going anywhere?" He says, walking to the police car.

"Uh well, our place got destroyed because of Luke so... really just trying to survive." I shrug, being honest.

"Hm, get in the car, we'll go to my friends place for now. It's where I've been staying this whole time." He says, getting in the drivers seat.

I hop in the passenger seat while the others squeeze in the back. "Ugh, this is so uncomfortable." Marcel whines, wriggling around.

Ohm starts car, speeding off down the road. "Can I ask a question?" I say, looking over at Ohm.

"Go for it," He smirks, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Where did you get the police stuff." I ask, admiring all the equipment in the car.

"I have a good friend who's the chief of police here, he let me borrow some equipment to let me stay undercover." Ohm grins.

I chuckle as I look out the window, watching as we speed past cars and people. We stop at a red light, Ohm impatiently tapping his finger on the wheel. I was about to start drifting of into space before I saw. "Tyler?!" I shout, jumping up on my seat.

"Wait what?" Ohm snaps his head towards the same direction.

And indeed Tyler and Craig where there, but with some other dude. I rush out the car waving to them. "Evan I can't stop here!" Ohm shouts from the car.

"Evan!!" Craig cheers, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I've missed you buddy." I whisper, tears swelling up in my eyes.

"Hey what about me?" Tyler crosses his arms.

I chuckle, walking towards him. I hug him reaching to his ear. "Softy," I whisper.

I shoves me away, staring at me. "No," He says looking away.

"Meet us up the road, we can't fit anyone else in the car." I tell Tyler.

He nods, already walking down the pathway. I smile at the new guy, him waving back. I turn around, jogging towards the car. Getting sprayed by horns and curses by people behind. "Let's go, we're meeting them further up the road." I tell Ohm, him nodding, stepping on the gas as we speed down the road.

Craig's POV

We make it to the end of the road, Evan's car already parked at a curb. Everyone starts climbing out hugging me or Tyler. Everyone accept Brian, who just stood there, staring into space. "Hey guys!" I hear.

I turn around to see Ohm, closing the car door. I stare at him in wonder but in worry as well. "Ohm? We thought..." Tyler breathes, taken back as well.

I feel tears build up in my eyes as I sprint over to him. My heart beating heavily as I wrap my legs around him like a toddler with their mother. "Where did you go?" I sob, tightly wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Away... from what I did to you." Ohm whispers, cradling me in his arms.

Tyler's POV

I felt a small smile curve in my mouth. Seeing Craig finally happy made my heart brighten. "So who's this then?" Evan asks walking up to David.

"Um, I'm David." He shyly states.

I chuckle as I walk over to him. "This amazing guy is why we're here right now." I say, putting an arm on his shoulder.

"Woah, what did you do?" Delirious asks, leaning closer.

"They where going to die by my brother, or at least get terribly hurt. So I help them get out." He smiles.

Evan walks up to him, giving him a short hug. "Thanks, we don't know what we would have done without these foreheads." Evan chuckles looking at my reaction.

I just roll my eyes looking the other way. When Craig and Ohm finally come over here they look very happy. We start to chat about what happened when we where apart. But when I look at Ohm something hit me, something that I didn't realise before. "Craig?!" I shout getting his attention.

I rush over to him holding his hands in mine, a serious expression on my face. "What's wrong Ty?" He asks curiously.

"I just remembered, If Ohm is here. Then who was that person on the news?"

(Hey guys!!! Just wanted to say thanks for the support lately 😊. Thanks to @Salty_French_Fries for always being there to!! Kk see yall in the next part ✌️.)


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