Uncontrollable Beast

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Craig's POV

"Where the fuck are they?!"

"N-noo no no!"


"Calm down Evan! We aren't going to go anywhere if you scare Brock like like that!"


"Sorry Jon... I-"

"It's fine, lets just figure out a plan."

"Oh my god Delirious! It's the fucking government! What are we going to do against that?!"

"Brain please..."

"What did they want with them anyway?"

"I don't know... but I know it's not good."


I jump awake from the peculiar dream. 'Was that dream real?' I thought.

I sit up just to remember I was still in the cell. "Ugh," I groan.

I slowly kneel up before hearing a low growl. I stop.

My heart pounds in my chest as I feel sick inside. I slowly turn my head around to see a faint pink glow in the corner off the room. My back shivers as I slowly back up into the opposite corner off the small room. The glow slowly dissaperes as something shifts. A huge, angry white tiger emerges from the shadows. I feel my breath quicken when I see the huge, tinted yellow teeth. It growls louder as it stalks towards me. "T-Tyler?"

It growls louder before jumping on me. I scream loudly before it gets held back. It roars loudly as 6 men run into the room, trying to control the tiger. 2 off them drag me out of the room. I let them drag me out of the room. They throw me into a different one where I land with a thud. I stand up straight away, trying to find a way out. "TYLER!!!" I scream.

I start to feel scared only to see the world around me shrink. 'What's happening?!'

I watch as my arms turn smaller and slowly fur starts to spike out. I try to scream but only a screech comes out.

I look at myself, my hands are now paws. A fluffy tail above my butt. I hear the door open to see a tall man in a grey suit walk in. He looks down at me and grins. He crouches down to inspect me fully. "Hello foxy~."

Tyler's POV

I feel pain as my vision slowly brightens. I feel cuffs around my wrists and anckles, even my neck. "W-what happened?" I ask clueless.

The same guy walks up to me and takes some of my blood, a worried expression on his face. "You went out of control, turned into your hybrid I was told." Lui speaks, fiddling with some serums.

My eyes widen as I remember. "What happened to Craig?!" I ask quickly.

"Shocked, confused, I don't blame him seeing as he was stuck in a room with a beast like yourself." He mumbles.

I let my head hang as I feel guilty for scaring him. "Here you go, this might help." He says while injecting me again.

I nodd at him while he unlocks my chains.

A couple of men walk into the room grabbing me by the arm. "Hey!"

One of them tugs on my arm so I stay quiet. I get sent into a room full off dangerous obstacles and caged wild dangerous animals. And one was a lion. A dude in a black suit with a red tie walks into a spectating area. His slick back black hair and leather eye patch makes him look... mysterious. "Hello Tyler, today and on wards  we will be using this room to train your hybrid self. Everyday will be different while it will repeat every week." He said through a microphone.

I watch as the man pulls a switch making the course power up. Saws, lazers, knifes and much more started to move. I feel a lump in my throat as I someone pushs me towards it. I suddenly feel my limbs weaken before I fall to the floor. Pain starts to rise as my head pounds. I manage to scream just before my vision goes black.



"We still haven't come up with a plan yet..."

"Guys this is our friends lives we're dealing with hear."


"I got it!"

"They said they needed Evan right-."

"No way."

"Jon please, let Marcel talk."


"As I was saying... maybe one of us could turn him in. But then the government will be friends with that person so, maybe we would be able to know mre about this situation and get both off them out." Marcel grins.



"Your not putting Evan in danger!"


"This is going to go on for a while..."


~~~1 month later~~~~

Craig's POV

I lay in my little bed, softly purring along to strokes and kisses I get from my master. This keeps going on before the door gets thrown open. I lift my head up to see a man in a suit rush in. "Sir! The beast has killed another trainer! I'm not sure if we'll be able to hire another..."

He growls and stands up. "Why not!?"

"B-because no one wants to work with it sir... from hearing that the past 3 where killed."

I see Ohm clench his fists in anger. He swings at a vase and smashes it into pieces. I quiver in my bed as I watch him rush up to the man. "Now you listen here! Go double the pay or something, just make some sense out of that beast!!" He roars before throwing the man out of the room and slamming the door.

He sighs and rubs his forehead. He looks at me with his silver eyes and lowers his hand. He carefully picks me up and hugs me gently. "Sorry for scaring you foxy." He whispers.

I purr in response as my tail swings left and right in the air. I keep remembering about the beast. 'Who is he? The white tiger which attacked me? Was it really Tyler? Did he mean it?'

(Hey guys!! Sowwie for late publish Dx. I kinda forgot... :3. Forgive plz :(. Anyway see ya'll in the next part and see ya!! :D)


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