Blood, Sweat and Tears

70 4 1

Craig's POV

I stay sitting in the chair, trying to ignore the arguments going on between Brock and one of the guards. "Where did he go?!" Brock yells trying to get past the guards.

"What did he do to my Brian?!" He sniffs, starting to weaken.

Tyler keeps his arms wrapped around me, while the others just blankly wait.

We hear footsteps come down the stairs. We all look towards it to see Luke dragging Ohm by the arm, Ohm looking worried and astonished. Luke let goes off Ohm, walking up to us. "Ok, hurry up and tie them." Luke orders the guards.

Ohm eyes them, making them stay still. "I said, hurry up and tie them!" Luke says, getting mad at the fact of being ignored.

The guards stay still, some beads of sweat drop from their foreheads. I see a tear start forming in Ohm's eyes as Luke starts to run up to the guards. While Luke screams his head off the guards one behind Ohm hands him something. 'What was that?' I think seeing Ohm grasp it tighter in his grip.

Luke backs away from the guards after shouting at them. Pointing furiously towards us. I feel Tyler's gip tighten around me as the guards sigh, slowly walking towards us. I see Ohm lift up his arm, with a glock in his hand. And then...


Luke's body slowly falls to the floor, as if time slowed down all of a sudden. My ears ring in my head, everyone flinching at the same time.

Ohm drops the gun, letting it crash to the floor. He walks up the Luke, falling to his knees as soon as he reaches him. I feel my heart drop as Ohm holds Luke in his arms. I struggle out of Tyler's grasp, rushing over to Ohm. Giving him a warm hug. He hugs me back, letting out sniffs. "I couldn't let him hurt you guys." He says, his voice croaking.

"B-but you loved him..." I stutter, feeling bad.

"I did, but I love you guys more. Especially you Craig, stay strong because... I don't think I will be around much longer..." He whispers, making my body shiver.

"Wh-what?" I say.

Suddenly the door gets burst open, policemen rushing in. "Freeze!" One of them yells, rushing towards us with a gun in hand.

Ohm holds his arms in the air, his head hanging low. I do too, watching s a policeman wraps cuffs around me and Ohm. "Wait no! Craig didn't do anything officer!" Tyler yells, trying to catch up to me as I get pulled helplessly away.

I get put into a police car, next to Ohm as we get driven away. Police and ambulance lights still visible from the house. I look over to Ohm, seeing him looking blankly at his arms. I look out the window hearing Ohm silently cry to himself behind me. 'Why did he have to do that?!' I think to myself, feeling extremely guilty for him.

The evening sun shines in the far distance, lighting up the buildings with a orange glow.

I hear the radio from the policemen very bluntly as my vision goes blurry, my head paining achily and I close my eyes... hearing the soft purr of the cars engine.

Tyler's POV

My heart races as loud noises fill my head. Police officers surround Luke, inspecting his body before covering it. One of them walk up to us. "Hello gentlemen, you will have to come with us. We need to ask you a few questions." He says, a few policemen leading us out.

"Officer please, you need to let Craig go. He hasn't done anything." I plead, getting into a police car.

"I'm sorry, until we have any further information about the crime scene, both will be put in custody." He says, revving the engine.

I massage my scalp with my hands, feeling a burning headache starting to go through in my head. Nogla sits with me, putting an arm on my shoulder. "C'mon man, he isn't getting hurt or anything." He implies, trying to cheer me up.

"I know dude it's just... everything. Both of us are fed up of this. Like... do you remember before all this started? Before me and Craig got kidnapped... before I even knew Craig existed." Nogla scooted closer to me, putting an arm around me.

"Would it have been better if I had never met him? If I never slept with him that one time?" I say, tears starting to swell up in my eyes, for once in my life.

"Hey man don't say that, you guys really love each other. Anyone could see that, and if you never met him... where do you think you would be feeling right now?" Nogla states, making me think.

"Sad. Alone. Broken."

"What would you be doing?"

"Suffering. Panicking. Crying."

A wave of realisation goes through me as my eyes widen. "And Tyler, If you feel those things. Imagine the even worse things Craig would be going through." Nogla mumbles, looking at the floor.

The car pulls up into the station, making me snap back to reality. I look over to Nogla, who was looking back at me. He gives a smile so I exchange it back. "C'mon then fellas." The officers says, opening my door for me.

I hop out the car, looking around the see the others join us in other cars. We get led inside, straight away getting led through the reception. An officer picks out Marcel first, leading him into an office to ask questions. I look over at Nogla, who sits next to me. "Hey, thanks for uh... that." I say, receiving a giggle.

"It's fine, I'm used to talks like that." Nogla smiles back.

"I can tell." I chuckle, the office door opening in the process.

The officer points towards me, making me get shoved into the office. 'Here we go then.' I sigh.

(Hey guys!! HHHH Ik I haven't posted in 2 weeks 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️. I just forgot 😏. Anyway I had nothing better to do today to why not? xD
Oh well see ya'll next part then! 👋👋👏)


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