The Reveal

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Evan's POV

We all stay silenced in the car. No one daring to say anything. Jon keeps looking at me with hurt, betrayed eyes. 'Oh no...' I think to myself.

I look at my hands, and then back at the group. Mini's still in Tyler's arms while Marcel's half asleep looking out the window. Jon kept concentrating on driving while I kept thinking obout him. 'Does he still like me?!'

I feel a tear start in my eyes as my vision goes blurry.

(Time skip)

When we get back everyone gets out off the van and walks to the front. When we walk inside Tyler goes to a bedroom with Mini in his arms while everyone goes seperate ways. I watch Jon as he heads for the kitchen with Moo. I sigh to myself as I pull him aside. "Jon I-."

"No Evan, it's Delirious." He says, looking into my eyes.

"But you always used to let me call you that." I mumble.

"Evan, I know you where trying to save Wildcat and Mini, but I was worried for you. When you left I thought, I was never going to see you again..." He says, holding my hands.

"I-I know but... I'm the one who is supposed to be responsible for the group. And, I will do anything to keep you guys safe." I say, tearing up.

Jon looks at me with his mouth twitching. He suddenly hugs me and sobs in my chest. "Thank you." He whispers.

I wrap my arms around him as I bury my face in his hair. "I... love you Jon." I say, holding my breath.

I feel Jon stop as he looks me in the eyes. "I love you too."

Tyler's POV

I place Craig down on the bed while I sit next to him. I stroke his hair while he lays peacefully beside me. 'I have to tell the guys.'

I sigh standing up, only to get my wrist tugged on. "Please don't go." Craig says, still with his eyes closed.

I look at my arm as I wrap my hand around his. He sits up, rubbing his eyes with his other hand. I smile at him as specks of dust fly off his hair making him sneeze. "Excuse me." He says.

I sit next to him while I take in his bright green eyes. "Tyler?" He says looking up at me.

"Yes foxy?"

"How are we going to tell the guys?" He says.

I chuckle while standing up. "Well we can start by having a shower." I say, letting him go and grabbing a towel from the closet.

Craig hop's out of bed and grabs a towel for himself. I go into the bathroom as Craig stops. "Uhm, where am I supposed to go?" He says, looking around.

I smile at him as I tug him inside with me. "You don't need to go anywhere~." I say, whispering in his ear.

I feel him shiver as I lead him in the shower, helping each other wash ourselves. Craig kept becoming red in the face from the area being so tight and small. I look at him to see him washing his body. Trying to cover as much as he can. "C'mon baby don't be shy, I've already seen you naked anyway."

I hear Craig gasp as he turns to look at me in the eyes. I see a curve in his mouth start to form as he looks at his feet. "Turn around, let me wash you back." I say grabbing the spounge from him.

He turns around, letting me scrub at his back. Just then I realize a 3 inch scab on his shoulder blade. "What's this?" I say, running my fingers over it.

Craig flinches and grabs my hand to keep it still. "It was from Luke." He sighs, letting me go.

I growl as I feel more hatred for him. Craig turns around and looks at me with sad eyes. "Please don't do anything Ty. I don't want to lose you." He says like he just read my mind.

I hold his hands as I pull him into a kiss. He smiles as he grasps my hands tighter. I pull away, just to pull him into an embrace. "I'm not going anywhere baby." I say, kissing his head.

I let go as I start to get out of the shower. Putting a towel around my waist. I start combing my hair while Craig gets out aswell, going back in the bedroom to get changed. When I finish I walk out the bathroom to see Craig in baggy, oversized pyjamas. 'Aww so cute.'

I put my clothes on as I sigh to myself. "C'mon then, lets go." I say going downstairs to where everyone was.

We enter the living room to see everyone chatting and having some beer. "Hey guys!" I say, getting everyones attention.

I sit down on a bean bag chair while Craig kneels next to me on the floor. "Hey guys! Long time no see!" Moo says, smiling at both of us.

"Hey Delirious," I say.

Delirious looks at me while taking another sip of his drink. "I owe you one back there."

He slowly grins, placing down his beer. "Ok, you owe me a cheeseburger because that's how much your life means to me... I was really aiming for Evan to be honest."

I flip him off, just to get him laughing even more. "Tyler you walked right into that one." Evan says, almost choking on his drink from giggling. "Um Tyler?" Marcel says interrupting.

"Yes?" I say, trying to ignore the others.

"When are you going to tell the others about... you know..." He says.

I sigh as I stand up, getting everyones attention. "Everyone, to make this short, back at the lab me and Craig got... new parts as such." I say, making hand gestures.

"What do you mean?" Brian asks, chugging some more beer.

I sigh as I slowly turn into my tiger form. Brian, Moo and Delirous all gasp, looking at me with wide eyes. "Woah," Delirious gasps.

Marcel nudges Craig. "I guess now he really is a 'WildCat'." He says giggling.

"Heh, cliche." Evan huffs.

(Hey guys!! I don't really know what the point of this part was ngl xD. I was going to post this tomorrow but I just did it now. I do however feel like this story is going so slow in parts lately. "Probably because I only post once a week, dumbass myself." I don't know if I will post more frequently but I'll try! Any see ya'll in the next part!! :D)


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