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Ohm's POV

Worry, Fear, Anxiety... is all I feel. They told me I was going to court the next day... won't be surprised if they killed me.
I bury my face in my knees, tears filling my eyes. 'C'mon Lui, I trust you to fix what I've done.'

I stand up, looking behond the bars to the other empty cells. Suddenly the light goes out, sparks fill the ceiling, making the only light source. Screams and gun shots are heard for beyond the wall. I cower in the corner, hearing corpse drop heavily to the floor. Then the door opens.

I hear footsteps echo down the hall, a tall man comes into view. Looking directly at me with white, glowing eyes. His hands smoke, flickering every now and then. He held the door supports, making it fall to the floor. I slowly rise to my feet, my hands tremble as he walks towards me, not saying a word.

His mouth turns into a snarl as he reaches for my neck. I duck, sliding past him and sprinting down the corridor. 'Thank god I ran alot as a kid.' I thought.

I out ran him quite easily. But it wasn't that which was the problem. He started overpowering the main set of power sources, causing links in the ceiling to blow up.

Rubble landing on my head causes dust to fly in my eyes. "Ahhhh!" I shout as my eyes become sore. I manage to run out of the building, heading to a nearby drinking fountain for the station.

I rinse my eyes out, getting rid of most of the resedue. I waste no time, speeding down the roads. 'Why does he want to kill me?!' I think to myself, dodging people as I run past.

I abruptly stop when I see a shadow play over my head. I watch as as car skims my head, almost hitting another civilian. I see a flash before my eyes as I get thrown to the floor, feeling my stomach flip as I hit the floor. He comes up to me, towering over my giving a... satisfying look towards me. "You made me like this." His voice growls.

"W-what? No I didn't!" I stutter, crawling backwards.

Screaching noises from cars fade as everyone hurries away, screaming or crying for help.

He steps on my chest, leaning closer. "Why did you do this to me? Huh?"

His hands start sparking again, as they start edging towards my head. More screaching comes from the distance, along with roaring and... sirens? The car comes to a hult, the guy above me not losing focus of me, his smile growing wider. "BRIAN STOP!!" A voice calls, footsteps running towards us.

'Brian' stands up, facing the person who just called. "B-Brock?!" He stutters, his voice becoming more calm and natural.

I turn over to Brock, seeing tears in his eyes as he runs up to Brian. They both embrace, Brain's eyes stop glowing as he starts weeping in Brocks arms. Evan comes running out the car, worriedly looking at me. "Guys somthing's wrong with Tyler, he's like unconsience or something." Evan says, everyone looking at the car where Tyler sits with his head hanging.

"Oh no, we need to find Craig. He's in an even worse state right now." I say, eyeing everyone.

Craig's POV

Me and Lui hurry through the streets, on the way towards the same building I got trapped in for weeks. "Now this is going to be ultra difficult. We need to get inside and grab a back up antidote. But there are police everywhere, probably mostly in the lab itself. For many years now they wanted to know what Ohm has been hiding, and finally it's being revealed. I just hope they don't find it before us." Lui explains, watching buisness people and police enter and exit the building.

I suddenly feel a cramp in my side, I whine, crouching on the wall beside me. "Craig what's wrong?!" Lui asks, quickly kneeling infront of me.

I kept breathing trying to compose myself, but every movement I make, just makes it worse. I feel automatic tears start to fall down my face. I start sniffing as I collapse on the floor. "W-what's, happening to me... Lui?" I say, clearly struggling.

My phone starts buzzing, Lui grabs it before me and picks up. "Hello?"

"Uh my names Lui, who is this?"


Lui sighs, looking down at my phone and passing it to me. "They want to speak to you."

I grab the phone with my left hand, my right still clutching onto my side. "H-hello?"

"Craig! Where are you? We're under alot of heat right now, and Tyler is unconsience in the car." Marcel states, slightly panicking.

I gasp as I hear what happened to them. "I-is Ty ok?!" I ask quickly, coughing slightly.

"We're not sure, but you and him need some treatment and FAST." Marcel says.

I hear some shuffling around before getting passed onto Evan. "Craig where are you, we'll quickly pick you up and... well we'll see what happed after that."

"We're next to the building me and Tyler got locked in. We need to bring Lui aswell. He was a scientist who worked for Ohm. He could help get the antidote." I inform, looking over at Lui who was listening in.

"Ok sure, we'll be right over. Just make sure your safe ok?" Evan says in a empathetic voice.

"Yes I will, thank you Evan." I smile, hanging up.

"They're coming, in the mean while we need to just stay here. I hope they know where they're going..." I sigh,  the pain slowly going away.

Lui scoots beside me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be ok Craig, I believe." He says, giving a hopeful smile.

I smile back, but still with the feeling Worry, Fear and Anxiety.

(Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I just haven't been motivated to do this story much. But I never like not finishing what I start so I want to finish it. Anyway, hope you guys are having a good day and see yas!)


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