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Evan's POV

I rush to my office to throw open my laptop. I quickly unlock it and went through the security cameras. I go back about 1 hour to see everything's fine.

Tyler's sitting on a chair and Mini's on his computer helping us. The door suddenly gets burst open while like ten men storm in. Tyler jumps up very alert and rushes over to Mini. "Mini, someone's here, we've gotta go." He says throwing the ear piece away.

They run through lots off corridors before both sides gets blocked by the men. Tyler stands infront off Mini, trying to protect him, while Mini held onto Tyler, terrified. One off them try to lung at Tyler while he dodges, which takes him off track of Mini, who gets snatched by one them. He growls at the man and curses before charging him. But before he can swing he gets knocked out by the end off a gun. "Tyler!!" Mini yells before getting cloth in his mouth and handcuffs around his wrists.

He struggles only to get a bag over his head. He struggles more, but fails from getting out off the mans grasp. Everyone exits before to men in military uniform walk in the room. "Search the place, take anything that you might thinknis useful." One off them orders.

They, along with five other people start searching the base. "Shit," I mutter.

Brock walks in and looks at the screen. "Who do you think took them?" He asks.

I feel tense and uncomfortable. "I-I don't know..." I mumble.

"I wonder why they took them..."

"Me too,"

Tyler's POV

I groan as I wake up in a cold, stoned room. I shiver as I try to remember what happened. "Craig?" I say.

I start to breath hard as I feel panick creep up on me. I jump when I hear the door unlock and open. An unfamiliar guy throws Craig inside the room, who lands on his side. "Oh my god, Craig!!" I gasp.

He lays on the floor, twitching violently every now and then. I kneel beside him as I touch his forhead. His head was burning. "Tyler, it hurts." He whispers silently, grasping onto my arm.

I bring his head up to place it onto my lap. Craig closes his eyes, slightly enjoying my soothing touch and I gently rub his head. He shakes in fear while twitching more, a tear slowly goes down my cheek as I watch him suffer. I hear the door open again as 2 men walk in. I feel Craig tighten his grasp around my arm as the men try to drag me away. "Get off me!!" I yell, punching one in the jaw.

He steps back and growls. I hug onto Craig protectively, waiting for something to happen. I feel a sharp pain on my back as I'm forced off Craig. "AHHHH!!" I shout in agony.

One off them drags me onto my feet while the other holds a tazer to my face. "Tyler, please don't go." Craig croaks tiredly, reaching for me.

I look back at him to see him trying to sit up with his eyes tearing up. I look back at him while the door shut, blocking the view. 'What are they going to do to me?'

After going through a long hallway we entered into a type of lab. The men layed me down onto a table which immediately straps me down in metal cuffs. I see a scientist walk into the room holding a syringe with white and black fluid shimmers inside. "Hello Tyler, my name is Lui. I will be injecting you with this Hybrid Serum which will turn you into an animal." He states pointing towards the needle.

I feel a lump in my throat so I swallow hard. "This is incompleted, so we don't know if it will be successful or if it will give side affects or even death. But my boss wants it done now." He sighs.

He walks towards me as I tense up. "Don't tense your muscles, it'll just hurt more."He mutters before injecting the needle inside my arm.

I feel the liquid spread inside off my veins. I suddenly feel a burning sensation in my limbs. I hiss as it spreads to my brain. I automatically start violently twitching before my vision turns black. "AHHHHHH!!!"

Craig's POV

I sit in the dark room, waiting for the door to open. Every now and then I would feel my head hurt or the bottom off my spine feel tingley. "C'mon Tyler, where are you." I whisper to myself on the verge of tears.

I hear the door open, I look up to see Tyler getting thrown on the floor. I crawl on all fours towards him to see he was out cold. I try to lift him up, only to find he was to heavy. "God damn it." I mutter.

Instead, I lay down next to him to see his sharp jawline but cute button nose on his face. I giggle as I wrap my arm around him. But then I remember, 'He doesn't love you Craig.'

I relax my face, huffing as I slowly unwrap my arm from around him to turn over. I feel tears swell up in my eyes. But then I feel his hand grab my arm. I look at him to see him smiling at me. He drags me closer to him making me feel his body warmth. My ice cold hands touch his warm shirt as I snuggle into him. My heart thumps in my chest, while Tyler's, thumps faster.

(Shitty part, I sowwie :(. I know it's a bit short but year 9 is breaking meee. "Exam this and Exam that!!"
I hate it... can anyone relate?)


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