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If you don't like smut then skip this Whole part. (I'm very patinate with smuts ;3) Anyway enjoy xD.

Ohm's POV

Luke kept rubbing his hips over me, making me uncontrollably exited. I needed to stop him. "No, It's already over." I say, trying to hold back.

I quickly rush upstairs, ignoring everyone's calls out for me. 'I need to find somewhere private.' I think, looking in all the rooms until I find the bathroom.

I lock the door straight away, taking small breaths as I lean on the door. I feel my boner stretch by pants when it starts to get tight. I sigh, looking up at the ceiling. 'I do like it when you talk dirty to me Luke, and I also when I feel your smooth luscious back as I hear you moan in pleasure, And I also do miss you Luke, I miss you more then my faith and trust in you.'

I hear the door knock, my hands faintly shake as I unlock the door. Opening to see Luke on the other side. "Um, Ohm you ok?"

I tilt my head slightly, confused on why he's being so nice. To nice. "I look down to my boner, quickly covering it from view. He scoffs slightly, slowly reaching to the hand which is covering it. "It's ok Ohmie, I've seen it already many times before.

I feel my face blush slightly, slowly turning away from him. "Oh c'mon, you haven't one soft have you? I thought I remember you being the right monster when you where horny." Luke smirks, closing he door behind him and silently locking it.

He creeps up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He slowly goes down, grasping my hard cock. "Does it feel good Ohmie?" He says, slowly stroking me over the fabrics.

I feel my heart pump faster as my breath starts to quicken. I let out a low growl as I turn around to throw Luke at the wall. He raises an eyebrow as I hurry after him. A glint of lust in Luke's eye. I pin him against the wall, attacking his jawline and neck like an animal. "Here's the monster I was looking for." Luke breaths out, holding onto my biceps as he wraps his legs around me.

I pull on his hair, making him hiss in pain. "I like it when you hiss for me baby." My voice lowering seductively.

I carry him over to the sink, sitting him ontop. I rip off my shirt, undoing my belt slowly. My pants slowly shuffle off, revealing my bulge through my boxers. Luke hurriedly takes of his, showing his visible V line underneath his neck. I attacking again, making him smash against the mirror. I makes the kisses more deeper and sexier as I shove my tongue in his mouth. His drool slowly travels down his chin and lands on his chest. My hands automatically start undoing his buttons, harshly pulling them off. Luke quickly jumps of the sink, kneeling in front of me. He pulls my boxers slightly down, making my erect dick spring into life.

Luke licks his lips, slowly wrapping his fingers around the base. He lightly licks the tip, swirling his tongue around the hole. I growl as looks innocently up at me, while torturing me below. I grab his hair, thrusting my cock in his mouth. "Mmph!" Luke muffles, holding onto the side of my thighs.

I groan, biting my lip as Luke gags more and more as my dick hits the back of his throat.

I let go of him, letting him take a big breath of air. Saliva runs down his chin has he keeps gasping for air. "Please..."

"M-master," He breaths out, getting up and bending over the sink.

My mouth curves into a smile, his big, smooth ass starts grinding on my dick. I slap him, hearing him yelp. "You've been a bad boy." I say, giving another smack.

I pull his hair back, making him lean against me. I lean closer towards his ear. "A very bad boy." I whisper, sending shivers up his spine.

I stick two of my fingers in his mouth, making them nice and wet from saliva. I shove them up inside of him without warning, making him squeal. I start pumping, wrapping my arm around his throat. "You like that?!" I grin, feeling him loosen up slightly.

I shove him forward, making him smash into the sink. I enter, his tight hole barely letting me through. "Oh, your still tight I see." I say, entering all the way.

Luke moans, his voice becoming high pitched. I start pumping, unable to go fast from the tightness. "Ohh Ohmie it feels so good!!" He yells out, wrapping his arms around my neck.

He pulls himself up, letting me pick him up by the legs. I keep going quicker, his loud moans making it even more pleasurable. "Fuck Luke, I-I'm already quite close." I stutter, trying to hold back.

"Then let me take control.~" He whispers, getting of.

He shoves me on the closed toilet. Climbing onto of me, while slowly stroking me to make sure I don't lose erection.

He slides on with no efforts, making me feel his warm insides once again.

He starts riding me, forcing me to kiss him in the process. I hold onto his hips, letting them do their work. Luke swings his head up, letting out more cute moans as he crashes into me harder. "I'm really close!!" He moans, his eyes rolling in pure bliss.

I huff quickly as Luke grinds on my dick, making pre cum start to spill out. "Luke I'm about to cum!!" I yell, trying to stop him.

But Luke disagrees, as he keeps bouncing on top. "Cum inside of me master, I deserve it!!" Luke moans, letting himself go as he cums all over my chest.

I feel my orgasm as I shoot my whole load inside of him. "Uhhh, you're so warm Ohmie.~" He breaths.

He gets of me, making my dick go limp.

'Oh no... what have I done?!'

(HEHEHEHEEH I LOOOOVE SMUT!!! Idk why and I love writing it. And being honest rn I have flown off the plan I was supposed to go with for this story lol XD.)

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