Grey Suit

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Craig's POV

"Soo... where are we going exactly?" David asks, breaking the awkward silence.

"Who knows, maybe to the group or maybe to hell." Tyler says turning to me, seeing sorrow in his eyes.

My head tilts, watching as he turns away. "What's wrong Tyler?" I ask, holding his arm gently.

He looks back at me and smiles softly, caressing my skin carefully like I was a fragile gem. "Nothing's wrong babe, don't worry about me."

I sigh in dissatisfaction, knowing something is holding him back. 'But what is it?'

Tyler's POV

'I hardly know him so I don't really give a shit.'

That one sentence got stuck in my head. It made me worried, and sad. I swear if Brian does anything to Craig I'll actually kill him next time.

Oh but the feeling I had when punching his face... it made me feel powerful. I chuckle as I grip my hands, flexing my muscles. "Are you sure your ok?" I suddenly stop grinning.

I look at Craig, seeing his worried eyes stare back at mine. I turn towards him, grabbing both his arms. "I'm sure, just worry about yourself." I say, embracing him.

He embraces back, David giving us a happy smile. "Hey, I recognise this place." David says, taking in his surroundings.

"This is the place where my dad took me hunting for the first and only time. He wanted to toughen me up more. Make me more like my brother... Anyway, if I remember correctly we went to a steakhouse afterwards. So there's going to be a town somewhere close." He says, finally turning back to us.

"Nice, we head there then." I say, walking forwards onto a big road.

"I can't see it from here." Craig sighs, stretching his legs to get ready.

"Well we've got some walking to do then." I say taking the first step.

~~~~1 hour later~~~~

"Here we are, we've finally arrived!" David cheers.

We enter the town, getting greetings by strangers. "At least we have civilisation." Craig says, smiling at people who walk past.

I hum in agreement, stopping in front of a television store. Where the news was on.


Breaking News!:

"A dead body was found in the woods a couple hours ago by a hiker. They said that they were walking around with there dog before they came across it. We don't completely know who this victim is apart that he was wearing a grey suit and has brown hair."

"The victim was stabbed repeatedly in the face and has many scrapes around his body. Police are investigating the scene now and are telling anyone who lives by to lock their doors and windows at night. And on another story..."


"What the fuck..." I whisper.

I here faint sobbing as I turn to my left to see Craig crying in his hands. "What's wrong?" I say, pulling him into my chest.

"That was Ohm, the one in the woods." He cries, making my hoodie wet.

"H-How do you know?" I ask, looking back at the blurred picture on the TV.

"Grey suit, brown hair, went missing not long ago. Tyler, think about it. Luke hated Ohm after he got jealous, he obviously hurt him and kept him for a few days before... killing him." He sniffs.

A wave of realisation hit me as I bend my head down, hugging Craig tighter. 'Would Luke really do that?!'

Evan's POV

We keep walking, getting closer towards buildings. "Great! Now we don't have any money or nothing. We're poor, homeless and have no idea what the fuck we're doing!" Brian curses, kicking a plant that was on the side of the road.

"Well we could start off by getting food even if it does mean steal, then we could go find Craig and Tyler. Sound good?" I say, getting frustrated by Brain whining.

"Oh not those two, Craig's to weak and scared to fight and Tyler is just a fucking dick!"

"Brian pleas-"

"No Brock, Tyler almost killed me and I will never forget that."

"Well if you actually cared for once maybe you wouldn't have had your ass kicked in the first place." I say turning back to him.

"That is the plan and we stick to it." I growl, turning the corner to be fronted by a grocery store.

"Ok, the plan is to get in there get as much of food as you can and get out. If you haven't noticed we don't have any technology around us so that's the best we got."

"At least if we do get caught, we still get food in prison." Marcel grins, making Scott chuckle.

I roll my eyes heading towards the entrance. "And make sure not to look to obvious." I mutter, grabbing a trolly for myself and splitting off.

I go through many isles taking lots of food suitable for survival. AKA lots of canned foods. I grab dairy and protein items.

When I finish I meet up with it I meet Delirious waiting near the door with a small amount. I start loading his batch in my cart.

Soon everyone starts turning up, ending with two full trolleys of food and clothes, picked out by Marcel. "Ok now what?" Moo asks, nervously shaking a bit.

"We RUUUN!!!" I yell sprinting out the door, the door alarms going off as everyone follows after with the other trolly.

We go through the car park, running away from security which was right behind us.

"Hold it right there and put your hands up."

I put my hands up to be face to face with a taser gun. The police officer holds up his radio, speaking into it. "Your very unlucky that my car was parked right outside..." He chuckles removing his sunglasses.

Revealing light brown eyes, wait... they look familiar. "Ohm?"

(Hey guys!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Just sorry that this was a bit late xD It was supposed to go up ages ago but I forget tings :3. Anyway hope you guys are doing something fun for New Year and cyas!!!) 🥳😜🤣

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