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Craig's POV

Me and Ohm get thrown into the same jail cell. "We'll keep you in here until we know what happened." A guard says before stomping off.

I look over at Ohm, seeing his face full off regret, but honor. "I'm sorry Ohm, you didn't have to do that." I whisper, giving him a warm hug as tears roll down my cheeks.

He strokes my fluffy chesnut hair, burying his face in it. "I don't think you get it Craig. Your like a son to me, a true person of blood. I never had a dad... well a proper one in fact. He would always want me to be more 'professional'. I was always the rough kid, followed by my uncle who always stood by my side. He would always be there when my dad would critique me in any way. He was the dad I wanted, until one day I didn't here from him. Days turned into weeks, months and then years. And with no one by my side... my dad got the advantage he wanted from me. He turned me into the perfect , cold hearted young man he always wanted me to be." Ohm sniffs, sliding down the wall.

"What happened to your dad afterwards? Was he proud of your job?" I ask, facing opposite from him.

"Of course he was, but I just felt used some of the time... used for the fame, money. He drained all the love from my heart, I felt nothing for months. Until I met Luke, his father was a very wealthy man and met my father. At first it was just a friendship... until we got drunk that one night. Heh, pretty funny now that you think about it. We started making out in the middle of the floor. And obviously someone just had to recored it because my dad found out. And he was NOT happy. He stopped letting me see Luke, but of course I didn't obey. And then very quickly we turn from best mates to 'friends with benefits', well that's what everyone thought."

We stay in silence for a bit, the muffled voices outside in the other room. 'So he really loved him then. My god, I'm such a bad person.' I think to myself, hugging my legs.

Suddenly I start feeling a small migrane build up in my head. I try ignoring it, only for it to get worse. "MMmmph." I groan, grasping my head.

"What's wrong Craig?" Ohm asks, shuffling towards me.

"My head hurts like hell." I growl, trying to massage my scalp.

Ohm feels my forehead, then tilting his head slightly like a dog. "That's weird, you don't have a tempurature."

I lean over falling to the floor, the pain felt like something was burning inside me. "AAHHHH PLEASE OHM! DO SOMETHING!" I screech, wriggling on the floor.

I feel myself close my eyes, my wieght and length changing every second. I feel the migrane calm down as I just lay on the floor, feeling flushed and energyless. "CRAIG?! CRAIG ARE YOU OK?" Ohm shouts at me, checking my pulse.

I let a small groan escape my lips, making him feel a bit more relieved. I sit up, slightly sruggling to do myself. "What happened?" I ask, my breathing more short and quick.

Ohm's POV

'Oh no, I figured something like this might happen.' I think to myself as Craig looks at me expectantly.

"Your hybrid form just kept... spazzing out..."

Craig looks at his hands, and then to me. "What does this mean?" Has asks, feeling deflated.

"There was obviously some... mistake in the formulae. Anything could happen to you at this point." I mumble, feeling tears in my eyes.

Craig grasps his hair in his hands, his breathing loud and croaky. I shuffle towards him, kneeling infont of his presence. "May I?" I ask, reaching my hand out.

He nods his head, moving his legs out of the way. I put my hand on his heart, it being slow and soft. I remove my hand, grabbing my phone from my pocket.

I dial Lui's number, my hands shaking and my heart pounding. 'Shit shit shit.'

I press call, hearing the line ring over and over until he picks up.

"Hello?" Lui answers.

"Lui! It's me Ryan, um something is wrong with one of our pacients... Craig." I breath quickly, Craig watching me desperatetly.

"Ryan?! Wait... where have you been?" Lui asks, a shock in his voice.

"Lui not right now..." I say, trying to get an answer.

"Oh, right. Well what's wrong with him exactly?"

"Well, he looks really weak, his heart is also slow and his breathing is loud." I explain, waiting for a response.

I hear shuffling coming through the phone, papers flying around. "I'm sure it has nothing to do with the test sir, it might have been a reaction between the formulae and his mental abilities." Lui says.

"Wait, what are you saying Lui?" I ask, becoming more worried.

"Well, if this is the case then he and maybe even Tyler are in danger." Lui warns, a little shaking in his tone.

"How big of danger?"

"Well if this either carries on or gets worse, the brain can choose what it wants. Not Craig, the brain. Like for example it can completely take over Craig, turning him into an animal forever, or at worst... shut itself down. And this of course will lead to... death, as your brain controls your breathing and heartbeat."

I look over at Craig, tears falling from my cheeks. "Oh no.."

The doors open, revealing police officers. One of them opens the cell door, glaring right at me. He points towards Craig, issueing him over to him. "Your free, but make sure you stay for questioning." He says as he just watches Craig slowly get up from the floor.

I rush up on my feet. "Wait!! He can't go! He needs medical help!" I shout trying to get past towards Craig.

The officer shoves me to the ground making me bang my head. "Oh your not going anywhere. Oh! And what's this." He smirks, picking up my phone.

I growl standing back up. "You can't treat me like that! I own this city, and you." I snarl, shoving my finger in his chest.

He throws my phone to the floor, making it smash instantly. "Well not anymore, after what you did." He glares, turning away locking me in again.

Making me hang my head in shame, as I was left all alone only to be complimented by my thoughts.

(Heyyyyyyaaa. I haven't posted in 2 weeks ik. I just kinda forgot what I was going to write so it *totally* took me 2 weeks to plan it out. Oh weel, I'll keep posting when I can actually be bothered and cyaaaaa!!! :D)


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