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Luke's POV

I tap my foot on the floor impatiently. 'C'mon, where are they?'

I growl as I picture myself losing all my work I just recently achieved. I reach for my radio, still staring out the window. "Have you got them?" I growl.

There was a small pause before they unmuted. "Sorry sir, they must've knew we where coming and left. The whole place is blown to bits sir."

"God damn it!" I yell, throwing it to the floor.

I rush through the main room, ignoring any questioning I get from the paparazzi outside. I get my phone out, typing in a phone number while heading towards my car, a guard following behind me.


"Hey, can I talk to the chief?"

"Well he's busy right now. Any reason why?" The person asks from the other end.

'I don't have time for this.' I growl.

"Just give him the damn phone!" I yell, the guard starting the car.

"Pfft, fine." He says, before muting the call.

I wait a bit. "C'mon Step on it!" I yell at the guard as he goes much quicker, speeding down the road.

"Hello? Chief here."

"Gorilla! I need you to do a task for me."

"Uh sure... what is it?" He says.

"I need you to tell everyone I'm coming and to get the cameras ready, I'm almost there." I say ending the call whilst we enter the police gates.

He skids to a stop as I step out the car. I barge into the police station, seeing many people crying or yelling at the officers. I roll my eyes as I walk into the office, seeing everyone chatting or eating something. "Is Chief here?" I ask.

Everyone shakes their heads before nodding towards a restricted room. I walk inside to see him in front of many screens. "Gorilla," I sigh in relief, giving him a manly hug.

"Nice to see ya man." He smiles warmly.

"Ok," I sigh going through different cameras.

Finally I find the right one, seeing the blown up building being currently taped by police. "Lets start at 2 hours ago." I say, rewinding time.

I see the house still intact so I decide to watch, taking in every detail. Suddenly I see the garage door open, followed by a large van, speeding down the road. I pause the screen to see the name plate.



Craig's POV

I walk alongside Marcel, my feet starting to hurt. I suddenly feel a sharp pinch on my arm. "Ow!" I say, slapping it.

"Hehe," Marcel giggles.

"What? Mosquitoes don't like my blood." He grins.

I glare at him, turning into my fox form. I ran ahead, catching up to Tyler. I start clawing at his trouser leg. "Hey!" He yells, looking down.

He chuckles before crouching down. "What's wrong foxy?" He says scratching behind my ear.

I swat his hand away, giving a high pitch growl. "Hm? Well if you don't want to get carried..." He smirks, standing up again.

"Wait..." I whimper.

I sit on the floor, waiting for any responses. Suddenly I feel a butterfly sit on my head. I growl at it before snapping. I chase it, running in front of everyone. "Oh, Mini..." I hear Evan chuckle.

I continue chasing it through the tall grass and then through some bushes. "Come back! You ain't going no... where." I growl, starting to run out of breath.

I end up going into the woodland, going deeper... and deeper. Suddenly I realize my surroundings, my panting fills the area. My ear twitches as I hear different noises from insects and other animals. I whimper as I start running, I yelp a few times. Scared and lost. "Tyler!!" I cry, looking around frantically.

Tyler's POV

I talk to Scott, still following Evan. "I still wonder where we're going!" I yell to Evan.

Evan flips me of as I roll my eyes. "Hey where'd Mini go?" Scott says, looking around everyone's feet's.

My eyes widen before I frantically look around as well. "Craig?!" I shout, looking out towards the distance and the trees.

"What's up?" Delirious asks, slowing down.

"Mini's gone." Scott tells Delirious.

Delirious looks confusingly at us. "But I saw him just a minute ago..." He says, him now around looking at the floor.

My heart starts to beat fast as my breath quickens. "Evan!" I yell, getting his attention.

He looks back at me as I jog to his side, Delirious following. "Yeh?" He asks both of us.

"Mini's gone missing." Delirious says looking at me.

"What are we going to do?" Evan asks.

"Nothing," Brain interrupts, shoving past us.

I snarl at him as he ignores me. "We're going to do something." I growl, feeling fire burn inside of me.

"Well, you can. I hardly know him so I don't really give a shit." He smirks, finally looking into my eyes.

I clench my fists as Moo runs up to him. "Brian you take that back!" Moo says standing in front of him.

"You better." I snarl.

"Make me."

I push Moo out the way, stepping forwards to Brian, our noses barely touching. "Go on then, your going to regret it Tyler." Brian grins, staring into my eyes.

"Tyler don't! You know better!" Marcel yells.

I feel fire burn inside me as I let out a loud roar. I feel myself go a bit lower as I change forms. I quickly tackle him, pinning him to the floor. I see my saliva drip on his face, this is when he starts to shiver from fear. "Ok man I'm sorry!" He shouts holding his hands up.

"I do care about Mini I promise!" He says, starting to try wiggling free.

I lean in closer as I let out another deathly roar, making him grasp his ears. I turn back as a human, standing up. "There, now your 25% deaf." I snarl, turning away.

Moo quickly rushes to his aid as he still wriggles on the floor. "Now I'm going to look for Craig, don't know about you guys." I say, before turning again and running through the grass, away from everyone.

(Hey guys!! Holy shit I can't believe I did this in one day xD. I did say I was going to do both this week. Only I did it at the last minute :3. Anyway see ya'll next week!!! :D)


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