Both Of Them

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Craig's POV

I walk away from the door, heartbroken. 'Does he not love me?'

"Craig! C'mere, and get Tyler!" Evan exclaims from the other room.

Tyler opens the door behind me so I just walk towards Evan's voice. When I enter the room I see everyone crowding around a table. "Ok so, Craig and Tyler. We're going to break in a base and wipe th gang out, because they might be a threat to us in the future."

Tyler nods beside me as I twiddle my thumbs. 'A mission already?! I don't know what to do!'

"First, Craig's going to cut the cameras before we sneak in. Wait, you know how to hack... right?"

"Um... Yeh I've done it before." I mutter.

Evan nods at me and carries on talking.

~~~1 hour later~~~

"Ok then, everyone get it?" Evan asks looking at everyone.

Everyone nods at their roll as I swallow hard. 'What if I mess up?!'

"Tyler, I need you to stay with Craig until we come back. Just incase anyone trys to break in." Evan tells Tyler.

I groan as Tyler uncomfortably nods. "Alright! Everyone get ready!" Evan yells clapping his hands.

Everyone scurrys away getting what they need. "Um Evan, what am I supposed to do the hacking on?" I ask.

His face brightens up as he gestures me to follow him. He opens a door which reveals a room with like, 4 monitors. "Cool," I gasp.

I sit down in the big wheeled chair while I get on the computers.nI start to research about the gang's activity on news pages, trying to make a good start.

??? POV

I stare out off my window as the lights in houses twinkle in the evening sky. I sigh just before I hear my door open to reveal my butler. "Sir, the gang you requested to capture has been tracked."

"Very good, make sure to get the Owl and the Cat. They are the stongest and most tactical."

The butler shuffles in his spot as he swallows hard. "Yes sir, but... the whole group are very dangerous. They've commited many dangerous crimes...."

"Well get the best men and the best guns. And strike them at the best moment." I snap.

"And rememeber you need to make that speech tomorrow, I think about the war against Russia."

I sigh when I remember. "I know,"

"And one more thing sir."

"What?" I growl.

"Y-your fiance says he really wants to see you."

I look down as I mutter a few words. "Fine,"

My butler dissaperes for a bit before pushing my fiance in the room. "Uh, hey..."

"You wanted to see me?"

He sighs as he walks up to me. "I-I just feel like we don't talk much anymore..."

I sigh as I look at him, and I rest a hand on his shoulder. "Look Toonz, I know we haven't been talking much but.... work has been stressing. I promise I will make some time for us." I smile at him.

He looks down in disbelief. "Promise?" He asks.

I nodd while hugging him. "Of course baby." I mumble stroking his hair.

"Love you Ohmie."

"Love you too."

Craig's POV

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