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Evan's POV

"Evan! I'm starving." Marcel whines, holding his stomach.

Everyone agrees, staring at me expectantly. I look at the cash in my hands and sigh. "Ok fine, we find the closest store to buy a few things." I tell them.

They smile as they mutter to each other. "But we can't spend alot. We only have a handful of money for everyone altogether."

"What?! Didn't you try to get more?" Brian says  walking up to me.

"This was the emergency money I stocked. Incase we had to flee like we did." I say, turning to Brian.

I feel something wrap around my arm. I glance around to see Jon hugging onto it. "How long do you think it would last us?" Jon asks, looking into my eyes.

I sigh looking at everyone in the group. "2 weeks if we're rational." I say.

"Rational?! Evan this isn't fucking World War 1." Scott growls.

"Alright everyone shut up!" Moo shouts, stopping everyone in their path.

"Stop acting like spoiled brats and open your eyes! Evan is trying his hardest for us. And we aren't helping a bit. Can't we be grateful that we have some money to last us a couple of weeks. Even if we do need to ration the money." Moo sighs.

Everyone looks down in guilt, muttering stuff. "Sorry Evan." Scott mutters, walking past me.

Everyone else says sorry before walking past. I look a Brock with a smile. He smiles back before we follow after the others.

Tyler's POV

My heart starts thumping in my chest as soon as I heard his voice. "C-Craig?"

He gasps as he walks towards my cage. I walk into the light, revealing my human form. He turns human as he tries to get me out. "Well well well, what do we have hear?" 

I look past Craig to see Aindreas standing at the door with a small knife in his hand. I see Craig's widen as Aindreas start walking towards him. "Are you a freak just like him?" He snarls, pointing at me.

"What do you mean freak?" Craig asks.

Aindreas smirks pointing the knife at me. "I know he can change, form if you like."

Craig starts breathing quicker, grabbing on the cage for stability. "What's wrong? Feeling uneasy?" Aindreas smirks holding up his knife towards Craig.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!!!" I yell, glaring at Aindreas.

He snickers turning to me. "Or what, you going to scratch me on the wrist kitty?" He chuckles mockingly.

I feel a tingle go up my spine as I start to feel irritated. "Hey! Aindreas what's going on here?" I look back up to see another young man, similar looking to Aindreas.

"David! Why are you not at the house." Aindreas snarls.

"I knew something was up Aindreas. I think as your own brother you where acting... unusual." David says, walking forwards a bit.

"Why do you always have to be nosey? Huh? Can't you see that this is my business and not yours?"

"Well when you have a man in a cage and another one in fear, and your holding a knife. I don't care if it's your 'business'." David snickers, reaching for the knife.

"Don't you dare David, I could cut you up as well if I want. I mean... i'm sure dad wouldn't mind." Aindreas threatens, holding the knife to Davids throat.

I look over at Craig, seeing his fists clench. His barring teeth sparkle in the light. He reaches for a shovel on the wall. Swinging at Aindreas's head. "Holy shit!" David curses putting his hands up.

Craig turns towards me, tightly grasping the shovel in his hand. He swing at the lock, breaking it in one swing. I hurry out the cage, grasping Craig in my arms. "I'm sorry I ran off." He sobs in my chest.

"It's ok baby, I'm here now." I say comfortingly, kissing his head.

"Uhhhh, I'm sorry to interrupt but who are you guys?" David asks.

Craig lets go of me smiling at David. "You know me." Craig says walking towards him.

David looks at him confused before Craig forms into his fox form. David's eyes widen as he looks down at the little fluffy creature. He crouches down to his mumbling a few words. "No way."

I chuckle as David stands back up. " We rarely show people because some might either sell us or expose us." I explain.

David smiles and nods, knowing he's trustworthy enough. "I can turn into a white tiger, but when I was looking for Craig your brother and father saw me and took me here." I say, sighing at the end.

"Oh... I'm sorry about that. But what now?" David asks looking at me and Craig expectantly.

I sigh rubbing the back of my neck. "Well we need to go, we have to find our friends." I sigh, picking Craig up in my arms.

"Can I come with you? I mean... Aindreas or my dad will kill me when he wakes up anyway." David asks shyly, looking at his knocked out brother.

"Sure, I'm Tyler btw and he's Craig." I say, pointing at Craig.


(Hey guys!!! Sorry this came out a bit late lel xD And its a bit short ik... but im doing another one tomorrow lel. Cya!!)


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