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Ohm's POV

I talk to the very important business men who worked for the Chinese military system. And they ask very... disturbing questions about Tyler. "Why does he look worn out? Have you not been treating him right?" One of them asks.

I sigh before scratching the back of my neck. "Well you see, he's being very difficult to handle recently."

"Well, we do see some usage in him, only we need him to control his hybrid side. Otherwise he might end up killing everything and everyone without any control."

Just before I reply one of my guards barge inside the room. "Sir you might want to see this!!" He exclaims.

I look at him concerned before following him to one of the cells. My eyes widen when I see the tiger cuddling onto the human Craig. The men behind me take this in a write it on their board. 'Could this be?' I wonder.

I get a tap on the shoulder by one of the three men. "We got a deal, but we need both of them."

I feel my hear sink before looking at Mini. 'I don't want to lose him.' I thought.

"I'll think about it." I mutter.

One of them hands me a card with details on it. "Contact us when your ready."

I take it before the turn away and leave. I walk back to me office, pondering. 'They're offering millions for both off them. But is it worth it?'

Vanoss's POV

I sit in my office playing with my thoughts. 'Why haven't we done anything yet?! They're our friends, our family. Should I risk myself for them?'

I get snapped out of my thought when Marcel comes in the room. "We haven't thought of anything, I feel like we're going to have to hope that they escape themselv-."


"W-what? What do you have in mind?"

"You're right Marcel, we might need to follow your plan." I sigh rubbing my head.

"You can't be serious?! You know Delirious will flip!" He exclaims

"I'll flip about what?" Delirious asks walking in a room, sipping a juice box.

I try to come up with an excuse in my head as I don't want Delirious to panic. I sigh, trying to put my drama skills to good use. "Well, we feel as both of them won't be able to make it because, we can't do anything to help. So me and Marcel are just trying to, let them go. But we know how much you care about Tyler, so."

I see Marcel give a small thumbs up behind his back to show I did a good job. "Oh... are you sure there's nothing?" He asks with sad eyes.

"I'm sure..." I say trying to hold back the tears.

'I might not see him again, I'm sorry Jon.'

I open my arms, letting Delirious hug me tightly. I feel tears run down my cheeks as this might be the last possible time I see him. 'Who knows what they'll do to me?'

He lets go of me as I stare into those baby blue eyes one last time. "I love you Jon." I whisper.

"What was that?" He asks letting go.


Tyler's POV

I slowly open my eyes, realizing I was cuddling something small, and fluffy. I look down to see the little fox breathing silently. I blush slightly as he makes small, cute noises in his sleep. I automatically start stroking his head, his ear twitches before he slowly opens his eyes. I smile as he stretches and yawns. "Hello cutie," I whisper.

He groans as he turns into his normal form. He clings onto me, still half asleep. I hear him hum as he enjoys my body warmth. I chuckle which makes him suddenly sit up. He looks at me and blushes like mad. "U-um sorry."

I smile at him, my own cheeks heating up as we suddenly get interrupted by the door opening.

Craig's POV

I look over to the door to see Ohm, with bags under his eyes. "Craig, can I borrow you for a moment?" He asks, his voice a bit croaky.

I nod following him out the door and into the hallway. "Yes?" I ask.

"Well, I just want to say sorry."

I tilt my head in confusion before he grabs both of my hands. "I just want to let you know, I didn't want to see you and your friend in here. Isolated, tired, suffering. Because of me, I just, I'll miss you. And always remember that, I'll always love you and I'll always be with you. No matter what happens."

I feel tears swell up in my eyes before I hear something crash on the floor next to us. I look over to see the man in a suit and red tie. Looking shockingly at Ohm. "Ohm?!" He breaths out.

Ohm quickly lets go off me and looks over at him. "Toonz! I..."

"Forget it. You said you loved me. I see why you never talked to me, or spent anytime with me. Because you didn't care for me. When did it start? Huh?! Or did you never love me?" Luke cries.

Ohm walks up to him but Toonz backs away. "NO! Get away from me. I never want to see you again!" He shouts.

He looks towards me and glares. "But for you, it won't be the last." He growls pointing to me before storming off.

Ohm leans against the wall, like he's lost everything. I feel bad so I hug him around his waist, feeling his arm squeeze me tighter. "I-I'm sorry." I mumble.

He crouches to my level, rubbing my shoulder. "Just stay strong, and don't let anyone hurt you. I'll be with you all the time, I promise." He whispers.

I feel tears swell up in my cheeks before I collapse on the floor, crying my eyes out.


*Fire crackles*

I climb out the plan managing to squeeze through the hole. "Mum, dad!!" I shout.

I frantically look in the fire for my parents while other people scramble out.


"Son! Just go, make sure to stay with everyone else! Just know we love you and we will always watch over you. Stay strong my boy, and stay safe!"


"MUM!! DAAD!" I cry, before getting dragged to safety.



I wake up to see Tyler holding onto my hand. I look everywhere to see no signs of Ohm. My heart quickens before Tyler picks me up, cradling me like a baby as I cried in his arms, from the hurtful memory.


"And on todays emergent news, the President has mysteriously vanished. There's no lead for where he has gone so police are still on the case. No witnesses have been known to be there so no one knows what happened. Fortunately we have his fiancé who is going to cover up for him until any other news has been covered up."

"Hello, my name is Luke, unfortunately my fiancé has somehow, 'ran away'."


"But for some reason, I think otherwise."

(Hey guys!!! I'm on my half term break!! :D Unfortunately I have a cold which is very annoying. But I'll try to make more recent parts during the holidays when I have the chance! Anyway see ya'll later and byeeee!!)


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