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Craig's POV

I slowly walked through the forest. Every noise or movement would scare me. 'Why did I run off?' I think to myself foolishly.

I stay in my fox form just so I could hide better and to stay more quiet. I kept walking until I saw the morning sun, creeping through the trees. I smile as I start sprinting towards the clearing.

When I walk out the forest a huge refreshing breeze hit my fur, making it sway back and forth. I breath in to smell fresh vegetables and fresh meat. I feel myself drool at the thought. My hunger making me step forward through a wooden fence.

I walk through the corn and cabbages. Through a couple big fields for horses or sheep. I keep walking, my walk turning into a sprint as I sense the smell getting stronger. That's when I see a big chicken pen, just beside a big house. I look around the pen, trying to find an entrance. I go towards the wire, only to get caught by a trap. I yelp in surprise as I get flung up in the air by one of my back legs. "Hey, we got another one dad!" I hear as footsteps come running towards me.

I get look over to the sound of footsteps to see a young man with a small chin beard and brown hair which barely fell in front of his face. And he had a very deep, irish accent.

He lifts me up, forcing my leg out out of the trap making me whimper. I then get carried indoors where I hear pots and pans being collided together. "Hey mom, I was right! Fox's are trying to eat the chickens!" He says cheering while lifting me up in the air.

"Carefull!! You can hurt him!" Says another man walking inside the kitchen. Snatching me out of his grasp.

He looks very similar apart from his eyes. Deep green with a touch of brown by the pupil. "He must've just been hungry." He says turning away towards the fridge.

"David, always the heartly one..." The other one sighs, walking away.

David mutters somthing before getting some ham from the fridge. He gives me the slice as I start chomping away at it happily. "Ignore him, he's just cold hearted. Just wait 'till you meet my sister." He chuckles, bringing me upstairs.

"I don't know why Dad still hopes for you to be a hunter!!" He yells from down the hall.

We go inside his room, him placing me on the bed. I continue eating the ham he gave me, the salty taste making my mouth water. "What are we going to do with you then?" He asks himself, crossing his arms.

I look up to him, my big, fluffy tail sways behind me while my ears twitch every now and then. When I finish the ham I jump on the floor, thinking. 'Should I reveal myself?'

Suddenly I hear a loud bang. I leap behind a bean bag as I look towards the door. A few minutes later I hear the front door open. "Got another one guys!! We eatin' duck tonight!" I hear from downstairs.

Footsteps start coming up the stairs, as I look over at David. "Quick hide under the bed!"

I scurry under the bed, just in time to hear the door open. "Son! What's up buddy?" He says, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"Uh... not much Dad." He says, uncomfortably.

"How's that project going on, the one with your brother?" He asks.

"Uhm, you might want to ask Aindreas... he knows more than me." David sighs, removing his shoulder from his Dad's grasp.

His Dad sighs as he stands up and walks towards the door. "Why do you hate me Son? I know I force you to hunt or to help your brother make the traps. But I just want to help you, your a man... not a fag." He spits, walking out.

After he leaves it's silent for a bit. I get out from under the bed to see David looking at his feet. I sit down in front of him, seeing hurt in his eyes. I whine slightly, getting his attention. He crouches down and scratches behind my ear.

I lean into it before jumping onto his leg, licking his face. He chuckles and picks me up. "What are you hiding?" He asks me, stroking my soft fur.

I bury my face in his jacket, shaking my head. "Hm? Cause you are one smart fella, aren't you."

I look up at him, to smile. 'Do I trust this guy?'

Delirious's POV

"C'mon Evan, shouldn't we at least try to go after them?" I say, looking at everyone else.

Everyone looks at Evan, waiting for a response. He sighs, turning back. "Wait really?" Marcel says, smiling a bit.

"I know Tyler's a dick but... he's one of us." I say to everyone.

"Oh you wait to I get my hands on that little suck up." Brian curses under his breath.

I walk next to Evan, seeing tiredness, frustration and hopelessness in his eyes. "Please don't give up Ev." I say, grasping his arm.

He sighs before pulling me into a hug. "Don't worry Jon, I won't."

Luke's POV

I walk through the garden, trying to enjoy the fresh air for once. I sit down on a bench infront of a fountain. I then hear my phone ring. "Hello?"

"Sir, you have the new employer who's here for the meeting."

"Tell them I'll be there." I say, getting off the bench.

After a short walk back inside I see a man in their early 20's in a black suit with a purple bow tie. "Hello sir, you wanted to interview me."

I nodd as I lead him into my office. "Ok lets start with the basics. My name is Luke, I will be your boss from now on. What about you?" I smirk, sitting on my chair.

"U-uh my name's Bryce."

(Heheheh, cliffhanger ;). This part felt like it took forever to write xD ngl. I was listening to BTS while writing this O.O aaaand maybe some yaoi :3. Anywayz see ya'll 'n bye.)


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