I Can't Love You

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Craig's POV

"The Banana Bus Crew?" I question.

Tyler starts undoing the ropes around me while chuckling. "You got a problem with that name?"

"Not at all!" I giggle.

I get up and walk out of the room behind Tyler. We keep walking until we get to a very comfortable looking room, where I saw the same group. "Hey guys! This is Craig, and he is going to join our crew."

One of them stands up and walks towards me. "My name's Evan, I'm the leader of the group." He smiles sweetly, while putting his hand out.

"This is Marcel, he is incharge of vehicles and getaways." He points to a young half African/American man with a white bear hat.

He smiles and waves at me. "This is Scott, he is incharge off supplies like: Food/Drinks, money etc." He points to a man a bit older who nodds at me so I nod back.

"This is Brian, he is in charge of contruction on the base and helps Marcel make new vehicles." He points to a muscular man with a black leather jacket and sunglasses.

He just gruffs at me so I just keep listening. "This is Brock, and he's incharge of medical supplies."

A young man my age, smiles cheerfully at me while waving. I chuckle to myself while Evan carries on. "This is Delirious, he is second incharge of leading. So if I'm not around he is incharge." He points to a skinny man with a blue hoodie and hockey mask on the sofa.

I smile at him and he waves back. "And this is Tyler, he's incharge of weapons/guns and ammunition."

I look to my left to see his hand on my shoulder. I blush and look forward. Brian stands forward to speak. "What's your roll then?" He asks me smirking, while his shadow towers over.

Tyler grips tighter on my shoulder while standing inbetween us. "We don't know yet, so back off."

Brian steps back while sneering. "Damn Tyler, haven't seen you this protective since Kelly died."

Everyone gasps in shock while Tyler stands there, taken back. "Ok that's enough! Brock please take Brian in the other room." Evan interrupts.

While Brian gets dragged out the room I look up at Tyler. That's when I see a tear, slowly falling from his face. He removes his arm from my shoulder to walk away, into another room. "Tyler..." Marcel calls.

He ignores it and shuts the door behind him, leaving the room quiet. Evan sighs and rubs his head. "Let's just leave him for a moment, for now Craig, we need to chat." He tells me.

I nodd as we walk into the hallway to an office. We start to chat thinking off ideas of what I should be in the group.

~~~Half an Hour later~~~

"So it's settled then, your incharge of technology."

I nodd while Evan huffs and leans back in his chair. "You may go now."

I stand up and walk out the office. 'What's wrong with Tyler? Who's Kelly?' I think to myself.

I stop infront of the room Tyler's in. I sigh before walking in, the dark room. I see Tyler's silhouette on the bed. "Go away," He croaks.

I walk up to him to sit next to him on the bed. He slowly looks at me with dark bags under his eyes. "Who's Kelly, Tyler?" I ask him.

He looks away from me, after a bit getting something from his pocket. He hands it to me so I unfold it. It shows a teenage boy and a teenage girl with dark blonde hair linking arms. I hand it back to him and he puts it back in his pocket. "I-I'm sorry..." I mutter.

"Don't be," He whispers.

I wrap my arm around him. I feel him flinch slightly before he pulls me into a hug. "I'm here for you Tyler." I whisper on the edge off tears.

"Thank you,"

Evan's POV

I get up to go out of my office, I see Tyler's door open so I peak inside to see him hugging Craig. I smile at them as I see a sparkle in Tyler's eyes as he pulls away. I back away from the door back inside the lobby. "How is Tyler?" Marcel asks me.

"I think he's ok now." I smile looking back.

"Um, Evan." Delirious says.

I look over to him to see on the news that a person has been caught.

He said that he was in some sort of gang...

"Are we going to do something about it?" Scotty asks, still watching the TV.

I smirk to myself. "Of course."

Tyler's POV

At first I really just slept with Craig because I was horny. But now I realize that I might actually care for him just like Kelly. 'Wait... but it'll happen again.'

I huff as I let him go. I smile uneasily at him, trying to ignore the feeling.

He stands up and grabs my hand. "Let's go, they probably want us." He says while helping me up off the bed.

I stand up and quickly snatch my hand back slowly regretting doing so. "Um, Craig. I..."

Craig looks at my hand. Then at me, with hurt, sad eyes. "It's fine, I get it. I was just a toy for your own pleasure." He mumbled while walking out.

"No that's not what I mea-." I try to speak but Craig closes the door behind him before I can say another word.

I sigh to myself as I realize my big mistake. I feel my tears start to come back. 'You need more time Tyler.'

"I know but, I'll just keep on hurting him."

I cup my face in my hands while whispering to myself. "I can't love you. I'm sorry."

(Hey guys!!! :D Early chapter because I have having very few parts on books. So I'll be posting often until I'm satisfied with the amount of parts in this book. Then I'll just go back to the 'once every week' thing. Anyway hope you guys are doing great and see yaas!!! :3)


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