On The Run

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Luke's POV

"What do you mean we lost them?!" I growl, slamming my hand on the door.

The guard rubs his forehead, sighing from embarrassment. "Fine, go back to their camp. They're most likely going to be there." I order, turning my back.

The guard scurries off to tell the others the plan. I look over at my desk to see Ryan's picture which is somehow still there. I hear myself whimper as I pick up the picture. "I'm sorry... I should have seen how hard you where trying. How hard you were working to keep us safe. But your not here anymore..."

I feel my grip tighten around picture as I feel fire burn in my blood. "And it's all the fox's fault."

Evan's POV

Everyone continues to chatter as a group, Mini and Moo chatting about the hybrid stuff, Jon and Marcel talking about random shit. And Brian and Tyler about the good old days. Like back at the start, when I first met Tyler. I smile at everyone, enjoying the cheerful laughs, but something was wrong... something very wrong. Then suddenly it hit me. "Guys..... GUYS!!" I yell getting everyone's attention.

"We shouldn't be here." I whisper looking around.

"WHY DID WE COME BACK?!" I yell grasping my head.

Tyler stands up, rushing towards me. "What do you mean? You ok man?" He asks holding my shoulder.

I stare at him with scared eyes. "They're coming." I whisper.
"Who? Luke!?"

I nod as I turn to the whole group. "Guys we gotta go! Remember, they know where our base is now!!"

"They can come any minute..." I huff as visions of my friends getting taken away fills my mind.

Everyone's eyes widen in realization as everyone scrambles to their feet. "We need to go. NOW!!" I yell, rushing everyone out the door.

I quickly grab a stash of money and a controller with a few buttons on it, from an emergency lock. I rush out as well to see everyone getting into the van. I hop in the back, just before Marcel steps on the peddle and rushes us out of the garage. I hear everyone huffing, trying to take in what just happened. "Now fucking what?! Mr Genius... we don't have any plans on where we're going or what we're doing. AND we don't have food, shelter, money." Tyler curses in front of me.

I hold up the stack off money in my hand as he huffs. "Yeh, and wonder how long that's going to last all of us..."

I hold the controller in front of me, sighing to myself. I set the setting to 'Self destruct' as my thumb hovers over the red button. "I'm sorry..." I whisper as I push the button.

Everyone hears a loud bang from behind us as I feel all the work we accomplished just went down the drain. "It was a good place." Moo mutters, staring out the window in front of us.

Everyone hums in response before the atmosphere becomes quiet. I look over to Jon, to see him pondering. I shuffle over to him as he stops thinking and looks over to me. I look at everyone before grasping his hand. "It's going to be ok." I whisper, feeling his hand squeeze tighter.

He looks at me, his baby blue eyes sparkling from the light. He nods before wrapping his arms around me, slowly falling asleep. I feel my cheeks heat up as I look frantically at everyone, just to see them sleeping themselves obviously accept from Marcel. I smile to myself as I lean my head on Jon's head as I yawn, starting to get sleepy as I close my eyes...

Craig's POV

'Just stay strong, and don't let anyone hurt you. I'll be with you all the time, I promise.'

I feel a warm sensation around my neck as I start to waken as the midnight moon glows in the sky. I rub my eyes to feel pain in my back. I stretch a bit letting out a groan in the process. I look around to see everyone sound asleep. Then I realize that Tyler's arm is around my neck. I feel my cheeks heat up as I snuggle deeper next to him. "Mini?" I hear a voice.

I look over at Delirious who was looking over at me. "Yes?"

He sighs as he looks out the window. "Do you ever wonder if people actually like you?" He asks quietly.

"What do you mean?" I ask him confused.

"Well... I mean, have you ever been used, in a way?" He asks.

"Uhm, not really."

Delirious looks at his lap and stays quiet. "What are you saying?"

"Luke... I know him."

"Really?" I say my eyes widening.

Delirious nods his head, stuffing his face in Evan's arm. "We used to be great friends when we were teenagers. But it turned out he used me just for the popularity." He says, turning at me.

"Oh..." I huff.

"Mm, so as soon as he made friends with all my friends, everyone just dropped me for him. Just because he was either 'cooler or more attractive'."

"Your lucky you even had friends..." I huff.

Delirious tilts his head and leans closer, letting go of Evan in the process. "So, I was suck with my cousin. He was always there for me. Until he graduated of course." I sigh.

"So he's older?" Delirious asks.

I nod my head as we stay quiet for a moment. Snores filling the room. "Oh no..." Marcel says from the front.

"What's wrong?" I ask turning to the front.

"We're super low on gas." Marcel says still concentrating on the road. It's only a matter of time before we..."

The van starts to slow down as it starts to jerk every now and then. Everyone wakes up just before the van stops. "W-what happened?" Tyler yawns, removing his arm from my neck to stretch.

"We've ran out of gas!" Marcel yells to everyone.

Everyone groans as we all hop out the van. "What are we going to do now?" Brian asks, still half asleep.

Evan sighs and looks down the long countryside road. "We walk." He says stepping over some weeds.

Everyone groans as we follow him. "We still don't know where we are or where we're going correct?" Tyler grumbles.

"Yep!" Evan smiles lifting his fist in the air.


(Hey guys!! Another one coming tomorrow lel. This one took so long to write tho because of distractions :3. Anyways see ya'll in the next part!! :D)


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