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(Bonus Part!! :D Still part of the story tho.)

Luke's POV

I grin to myself as I read on a news page, what I did. I chuckle as it tries to explain the scene. "Why are people so stupid?"

I stand up, walking towards the door. I walk out, breathing in some air. Just to get attacked my another person. "Sir, we've tracked them. They where last seen trying to steal from a shop."

"Hm? How many were there."

"6 Sir," He replies.

"Get some men over there, they couldn't have gotten that far." I order, turning away.

I continue speed walking through the halls. I get my phone out, typing in a number. "Hello?"

My face scrunches up when I hear an engine in the background. "Hey, look Luke I'm a bit busy right now."

"Just tell me the updates, I need to know what he's up to." I order, slowing down the pace.

"Well, he hasn't come back to return the stuff in a while so, I'm not sure."

I growl silently, getting impatient with the lies. "C'mon Gorilla, you know I ain't buying this shit."

I hear a sigh through the line. "Fine, he called me around half hour ago. Asking if someone could drop off another car on Otimber Street, he said he needed it to pick up some friends or something."

"Wait, is that the same street which has the big grocery shop on it?" I ask, my eyebrows lifting.

"Uh, yeah I guess."

'Oh Ohmie, when will you learn.'

"Ok then, see you later." I snicker, hanging up.

I grab my radio turning on the speaker. "Pick me up before you go, I think I have an idea on where they are."

Tyler's POV

Me and Craig stay silent for a while. Until another police car rolls up on the curb. A man comes out of it, wearing the same uniform as Ohm. "Hey Gorilla!" Ohm smiles, shaking the mans hand.

"Alright everyone lets go." He says getting in the car.

Me, Craig, David and Evan went into Gorilla's car while the others went in Ohm's. "So, where you guys headed?" Gorilla asks us, stepping on the gas.

"To wherever Ohm is going." Evan chuckles

Gorilla smiles slightly, but then frowns. He mutters something under his breath, using a sigh at the end. I look over at Craig who was looking out the window next to me. I smile as I see him slowly drift off into a sleep.

I shuffle closer to him, wrapping my arm around his waist. Making his head flop on my shoulder. I see his mouth as he snuggles more comfortably. 'So cute,' I think as I stroke his smooth face gently.

I hear Evan giggle behind me, I roll my eyes ignoring him. "Ty?" Craig says, squinting his eyes again.

"Yes baby?"

"Do you think we'll be ever normal again?"

I bit my lip as I look over to Gorilla who has wide eyes. "Wait what does he mean?" He asks looking at up through the mirror.

Craig looks at me with a sorrow face, before looking at the floor. "Well, before Ohm ran away. He made us into... Hybrids as such." I hesitate, unsure if I could trust this guy.

"Now Luke is trying to catch us again because we managed to escape." Craig says afterwards.

Gorilla looks at us with a shocked expression. "I'm so sorry."

I was about to ask why before the car suddenly stops to a halt. "What the fuck man?!" Evan curses sitting up.

The car suddenly gets surrounded by black shiny cars, along with Ohm's car as well. Craig frighteningly squeezes onto my arm, staring out the window. And then he walks up. Luke opens Craig's door looking at him closely and then snickering. "Well done Gorilla, looks like your a much better friend after all."

He sneers before grabbing Craig by his arm and dragging him out the car. His grip loosening around my arm before I could reach out myself. "Tyler!!" He cries struggling under Luke's grasp.

I jump out the car rushing to Craig's aid. Only to have a gun pointed to his head. I immediately stop, putting my arms in the air. Luke snickers in satisfaction and victory. "LUKE! Let go of him!!" I turn to my right to see Ohm storming towards us.

"Oh Ohm! How nice of you to join us." Luke grins, focusing on him.

Luke throws Craig on the floor, making him bang his head badly. "Craig!" I yell.

Luke points the gun towards him, making Craig hide his face in his hands. Ohm suddenly tackles Luke to the ground, snatching the gun from his grasp. "Don't you EVER hurt Craig again!" Ohm shouts in Luke's face.

The others try to distract the guards by fighting them. I hurry Craig up ignoring the tasers aimed for me incase I attack them. "Are you ok baby?" I say, hugging him, hearing his soft sobbing as he buries his face in my chest. "Ty, I'm scared." He muffles.

"It's ok, I'm here."

I look over at Ohm who was trying to get away from Luke who was trying to get the gun back. "Someone shoot him for fucks sake!!" Luke shouts.

"But sir, he's part of the government as well." One of them say.

Ohm punches Luke in the face, setting him free. "C'mon guys lets go!" Ohm shouts, climbing in the car.

I rush Craig over to the car. Getting in the front seat and resting him on my lap. The others climb in the back, all squished as fuck. Ohm then speeds off, looking behind to see Luke raging in the distance. "That was to close guys." Evan breaths, trying to get more comfortable.

"Yeah, thanks to that Gorilla guy." Scott sneers, looking out the window.

I look behind to see everyone out of breath, everyone accept from Brock. "What's wrong Brock?" I ask with a worried tone.

He looks at me with sad and worried eyes. "Where's Brian?"

(HEYYYY!!!! I know another part the next day but I'm feeling generous this week. But mostly bored af. Anyways see yah later!!!!!)


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