No Ordinary Fox

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Tyler's POV

I hear myself groan and whimper at the same time. I grasp my head as it feels heavy . I start to help myself up, trying to adjust to the light. 'Where am I?' I think to myself.

I look around, feeling my heart fall when I realise I'm in a cage... again. I look beyond the cage to see that I'm in some sort of barn but in another room. "Craig?!" I yell, trying to get attention from someone.

I start to panic as I see sharp objects around on the walls like pitch forks and carving knives. 'This can't be happening again...'

I hear the door open, turning towards it I see a person standing at the entrance. "What?" They say as he starts to walk forwards

I snarl as the person comes into view, being one of the same men that shoved me in the sac. "What happened to the Tiger?" He asks me, slowly walking up to the cage.

"Get away from me." I growl, backing away from him as much as possible.

"What are you going to do about it?" He smirks, walking closer.

'Don't do it Tyler.' I think to myself.

He walks up to the cage, putting his face against it. "Now I'm going to ask again. Where did the Tiger g..."

He stops, looking at me curiously. "No way..." He gasps, his face falling in realisation.

He starts running for the door, calling his dads name. I feel a shiver go up my spine as I start to feel nervous. 'Craig where are you...'

I hear the door slam open once again, the father coming alongside his son. "Are you sure Aindreas?" The father says, crouching down to my level.

"I mean, is there another explanation? No one would just steal a angry tiger and throw a human in there." Aindreas says, going towards a door to another room.

"Hm, if so then we might have something here, could sell for a lot of money." He says, grinning at me.

"All I ask of you Aindreas is that your brother can't know about this, only god knows what he would do to help him." The father says, walking away.

"Heh, don't worry, i'll handle it." Aindreas says before walking out the door, shutting off the lights in the process.

The light wind making me shiver while the creaking noises of the boards had me horrified. Whispers started to build up in my head. 'Hello?'

Craig's POV

Me and David walk alongside the pathways, crossing some hills we saw many animals like ducks in lakes and birds in trees. We settle on top of a hill, beside a big tree on the peek.

"This is where I relax." David sighs, leaning on the trunk of the tree.

"Just to get away for a while... you know?" He says, looking towards me.

I lay down, cuddling beside him. I look at the sun as it disappears from view, making the sky go dark. Many stars start sparkling in the sky, along with a bright moon which appeared in the sky. "Pretty isn't it?" David chuckles, noticing my interest.

He stretches his legs, yawing in the process.

~20 Minutes later~

My eyes open, I feel myself yawn as my ear twitches from small noises in the grasslands. I look over at David to see him asleep, lightly snoring in his sleep. I smile as I stand up, getting beside his arms. I start poking him on the arm, making his snort. His eyes flutter open before he looks over to me. "Oh hey!" He yawns, looking at the sky.

"Well it's getting late, lets go back." He says, getting up off the floor.

I get up as well, shaking my fur afterwards. I trot after him, going down the hill. We pass some of the landscapes following our footsteps.    "Hey, i'm surprised that you haven't tried to run away yet." He chuckles.

I tilt my head, looking up at him. "It's just that many animals would have run or tried to attack me by now..." He mumbles sadly.

I jump up at his leg, making him crouch down. I lick his hand making his giggle. "Your no ordinary fox are ya?" He says, walking again.

When we arrive at the farm once again I smell the amazing countryside smell once again. But now with something extra... I whimper getting Davids attention. "What's wrong buddy?" He asks me, still walking forwards.

I start walking through the corn and through a small field for sheep. "Where are you going?" David asks me, catching up quickly.

I start heading for the barn, the sent starting to get stronger. At this point I'm sprinting, eager to find out what it is. I make it inside going behind a tractor. David follows inside, looking around for me. "Hello?! Buddy?" He shouts.

But just before revealing myself his brother comes in from another way. "Aindreas! What are you doing here so late?" David asks.

Aindreas walks up to his brother, making David step back a bit. "Dad asked me to polish the tractor." Aindreas says, squeezing the cloth in his hand.

"At this time?" David snickers, trying to get by.

"What about you?" Aindreas says, blocking his way past.

"None of your business." David growls.

Aindreas smirks, looking face to face. "You don't want me to tell dad do you? Don't you remember last time when you stayed out this late on your lame 'walk'."

I see David sneer at him before storming off. I sneak around the tractor, quickly diving for the open door. My small heart pounds in my chest as I skid inside the barley lit room. I look around expecting to see something straight forward. That's until I hear the voice I was longing to hear for again
"C-Craig? Is that you?"

(Hey guys!! Was going to publish this on Saturday but I dropped my phone in a fountain :T. So I had to wait for a replacement since xD. Can't wait for wednesday hehe. Kk cya'll)


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