Please Help Us...

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Tyler's POV

I open my eyes, too see... nothing. Just an infinate world of blank space. 'Is this what death is like?' I think, starting to tear up.

I start walking forwards, kicking the fog at my feet. "Hello?" I say, in hopes of an answer.

Then I started to feel a slight breeze at my ankles, then it started to get stronger... and stronger. "Tyler...." The wing whistled.

I started to look around confused, as the wind started to go up to my waist. "Wake up Tyler...." It whispered again.

Suddenly a screeching noise pierced my ears, as a bright light headed right for me. Then suddenly- "TYLER WAKE UP!!"

I groan, feeling myself getting pushed around in the car. I look up to see Marcel leaning over me, releaved. "Tyler, we've got the cops on our ass, but we need to lose them before we get to Craig."

I slowly sit up, my head aching painfully from banging it multipul times. I look around, seeing everyone looking at me expectantly. I look behind us, seeing the cops not too far behind. I jump into the drivers seat, swerving into a tight alley. Hearing the scraping off the paint from the sides.
We exit, taking a sharp turn down a main road. Dodging other cars in the way, I look to the left to see the building. I turn harshly, making everyone smash agaisnt the side of the car.
I start slowing the car down, just so it's not too fast. "Everyone, quick! JUMP!!" I yell, opening the door and jumping out.

Letting the car smash into a building infront of us. "Evan, call Craig again and check on where he is." I say, walking into an alley.

I climb a ladder which leads to a roof. "Follow me guys, this will help us lose the cops." I say, hearing sirens coming closer.

Everyone follows onto the roof, me helping them on 1 by 1. We stay hidden on the roof by crouching, as Evan makes the call. "Craig? Yes it's me. So where are you specifically?" He asks.

"Ok, we'll be right there. But please hold on." Evan smiles, putting the phone away.

"He says he's on the right side of the entrance in an alley. But he says we have to hurry, he doesn't know how much longer he can keep his body up." Evan informs, having a tense but worried expression.

I nod, my heart starting to race of paick. I look at the building next to us, thinking of a quick plan. "We can get there, but it depends if your up for some parkour?" I say, staring at the guys.

Everyone but Delirious and Brian groans. "C'mon guys, it will be just like our teenage years! And we need to be there for Craig, he needs all of us right now. And we can't let him down." Delirious says, nudging Marcel and Evan.

"C'mon guys, I'm down for it and I was unconsious like 10 minutes ago and I love Craig. So let's move our asses." I say, getting pumped up.

Everyone sighs, following me to the ledge.

Lui's POV

I keep my arm wrapped around Criag, hearing his croak like breathing. "How you doing?" I ask, worried.

Craig doesn't answer, as he just leans his head on my shoulder, letting all his weight ontop of me. "C'mon, your a strong kid. Just stay with me, please." I whisper, slightly rocking him from side to side.

He tries to move, whining in the process. "No it's ok, just stay there. You need to save your energy, just wait until Tyler gets here."

A while later I hear something drop to the floor. "Craig!" a guy in red shouts, rushing up to him and embracing him tightly. I see another person walking up to us. "Ty..." Craig whispers weakly, reaching an arm for him.

The other guy leaves letting Tyler kneel before him, I see tears start to form in his eyes. Craig's state breaking his heart in two. Tyler gently pulls Craig towards him, giving him a firm kiss.
They pull away slowly, Craig gazing into his eyes. "What's wrong with us? Why is this happening?" Tyler asks, not looking at me.

I sigh, shuffling towards them. "The formulae obviously wasn't perfected, I told Ryan it wasn't ready... but he still did it anyways. But if I'm right your DNA must be reacting to it differently. See Craig is more young and he still hasn't finished puberty. But your body function is more stronger and older. So he is dying more faster then you." I finish, looking at the floor in guilt.

Tyler finally looks at me, letting go of Craig. He places a hand on my shoulder and leans forward. "Please help us..."

(HEYYYY! I'M BACK, sorry this chapter was shit. I just needed a bit of practice before I get to the good stuff at the end. I wasn't really expecting myself to actually carry on with this, I just thought why now do it now. But like I said, this is the last book pplz. It's sad because I remember the first time I started to write I couldn't stop. Oh well, enough rambling and cya'll in the next part!! :D)


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