Hero (Part 2)

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Marcel's POV

I walk inside what looks like an office with a big black leather chair and shiny mantlepieces. "Welcome to my office Mason." He smirks, sinking into his seat.

I pull up my own as we start conversation. "Well, let's start then." He says getting a suitcase from below his desk.

"This case has 10 million dollars in it. If you accept the deal it yours." He points.

"Before we do any dealing can I know more about this?" I say, trying to relax.

Before he could reply a knock comes from the door. "Um sir! Can I have a word?" Someone muffles through the door.

Luke sighs and gets up to walk towards the door. Leaving me alone. I quickly stand up, looking around the room. "C'mon c'mon c'mon..." I mutter.

A rush goes through my body as I see a notepad on the desk, under pages of files. I smile as I stuff it in my shirt.

I hurry back in my seat just before the door opens. "Yes, get that sorted right away." He tells the person, while walking back inside.

I take a deep breath before standing up. "Luke, can I use the restroom?" I ask.

Luke looks at me, up and down." Ok, show him to the rest room." He orders a guard.

I follow the guard down some halls, trying to make a map in my head. "Here you are." He says pointing to 'mens'.

I nodd as I walk inside, locking the door. I quickly open the notebook, going through everyword that might be useful.

Finally I catch something:

Basement lock: 14723

I smile as I try to memorise the numbers. "14723." I mutter under my breath.

Suddenly I hear loud sirens go off. I walk out the toilet to see red light being flashed in the corridors and the guard gone. I look down the halls confused before I hear a voice over the speakers.

"Emergany protocol, a prisoner is on the lose. Engaging Emergany Lockdown."

I hurry down the halls, trying to find the basement door. I hide from guards every now and then as they sweep the corridors, searching for the 'prisoner'.

I turn another corner to see an elevator. 'Of course!' I think, my face lighting up.

I run towards it spamming the button once I get there. Once the door opens I rush in, pressing the last button. Hoping it was the cell floor. 'I'm coming guys.'

Mini's POV

I run for my life as like 9 guards chase me down. I managed to escape the lab, only to have another wall put infront of me. "Come back little sucker!" One of them yells.

Luckily my fox form is very fast so I managed to out run them before hiding behind a plant pot. "Where'd he go?!" One of them yells.

"Split up, you guys go that way and we'll go this way." He says, pointing in 2 different directions.

When they run off I hurry towards the cell quarter. Luckily the labs and cells where on the same floor. That's when I see... "Marcel?"

He looks down at me, while fiddling with the pad. He looks confused as he swings open the door. We run inside to see both of them discussing something. Evan turns to us before yelling. "Marcel!"

Marcel hurries to the cells getting pins out off his pocket to open the lock. I rush into Tyler's cell to jump in his arms. "Oh Craig, thank god they didn't hurt you." He whispers, petting my fur.

Evan gets out so Marcel does Tyler's. "Who that?" Marcel asks pointing to me.

Tyler smiles looking down at me. "Guess,"

The door open while Marcel looks carefully before his eyes widen, then I hear Evan smirk. "C'mon guys, we don't have much time."

Tyler sets me on the floor as we all run out the door. "Tyler, where's the exit?" Evan asks while running.

"We need to go up a floor, we'll take the stairs. It's much quicker." He huffs, sprinting faster.

We all nodd, heading towards the stairs. We rush upwards, everyone huffing loudly now. Once we get to the ground floor we look around to see loads of guards infront the sealed door. "Ok Marcel, how are supposed get out there." Tyler asks eyeing him.

"Bro! How am I supposed to know! My job was to get you guys out of the cells." Marcel mutters crossing his arms.

Tyler rolls his eyes before we hear a cough behind us. "Wow, you guys are very annoying aren't you?"

We all turn around to see Luke backed up with a few guards behind him.

I hear Tyler growl lowly. I suddenly get scooped by my tail from Luke. I yelp, struggling to get out. Tyler steps forward, right infront of Luke's face. "Let him go." He growls.

Tyler grabs me, getting me out of Luke's grasp. He puts me on the floor, nudging me by the foot towards the others. Luke smirks before holding up a remote, his finger hovering over the button. "Go on then, do something." He snarles.

Just as he says that he presses the button, Tyler's collar goes red. Then it slowly starts to move tighter. I hear Tyler gag as it slowly strangles him. "Tyler!! I shout running towards him."

I stand infront of him, Luke towering over me. "Mini! Get out of there!" Evan shouts grabbing Tyler by the arm. "Hello foxy~." Luke smirks.

I feels my ears press against my head as I back away slowly.


I feel my self tumble backwards as dust covers my vision. "C'mon guys! Get in!"

I feel someone pick me up before running fast. I hear my heart beat as I feel dizzy. Then I black out. Shouting blaring in my ears.

(Hey guys!! Hope you guys got lots of sweets from Halloween!! :D. I'm getting a dog soon and I can't wait xD!!! Anyways hope ya guys are good and cya!!)


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