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Tyler's POV

Pain, exhaustion, loneliness...

'When will it stop?!'

They're slowly breaking me, but then, making me stronger.

The amount of time and money, spent on me alone, is incredible. I look at the obstacle course every day thinking about the fist time I step foot inside the room. How scared and lost I was.

Now it's just like it's... part of me.

"Get up Kitty, time for training." One off the guards say, switching on the lights.

I groan as I'm forced to get up by him dragging me by the chains around my wrists. My human form felt weak, my legs ache from walking while my arms couldn't even hold themselves up.

I get dragged to the same room to see 3 men with clipboards in suits followed by another tall one in a grey suit. "Today Tyler we will be testing you on your emotional strength." The guy in the grey suit speaks.

I see one of them whisper to the other while pointing to me. The other one agrees while writing down on his clipboard. The grey suited one clicks his fingers before a man holding a small fox with big ears and tail. It looks at me in confusion, then in shock. He jumps out of the mans arms and tries to run towards me. But then It yelps when it gets tugged back by a leash around it's neck.

"Here's a small and cute animal, we want you to see how you deal with it. If you fail this task we will need to keep on working you, harder." He speaks through the mic.

I sigh as I look at everyone. They leave the room leaving me and the fox alone. I stare at the fox's face before losing my consciousness.


"Why does that boy keep staring at you dude?" Delirious asks giggling.

"How would I fucking know."

I look over to him seeing him talking to his friend. I slowly smirk as I stand up. "Go get 'em tiger!" Delirious shouts.

I pull up the chair beside him to see his body tense. He looks at me with bright green eyes and cute red cheeks. "You know, there's no need to fix your hair cutie." I smirk.

"The names Aiden." I smile more kindly, putting my hand out.

He shyly took it and looks at the floor before speaking. "Um... Craig."

"Craig... Craig... Craig"


I feel my head ring through my head before getting the fox it my head. 'Those bright green eyes...'


I feel myself wake up, smashing against the wall. I feel my breath quicken before I feel a pain in my head. "Ahh.." I hiss rubbing it.


I look up to see the fox shaking in it's place a few feet away from me. My eyes widen before struggling to get up from the floor. "C-Craig! I-I'm so sorry..." I apologise, slightly limping towards him.

He shakes more, clutching his big, fluffy, tail. I feel a sharp tug on my arm as I get dragged out of the room. "No! Get off!!" I yell struggling, only to get more guards securing me.

I look forwards to see the man in the grey suit pick Craig up. He hugs the fluffy creature while it clings onto him.

I suddenly feel my muscles get weak at the sight. I get carried away as I feel my whole world brake down. 'Does he not like me anymore? I mean... he looked at me like I was some sort of, monster.'

Craig's POV

My small heart beats fast as Ohm cradles me in his arms.

Back then, for a moment I felt my heart lighten up. But then I saw something in his eyes that made me freeze. Something like... pain, depression, love.

"No, no... NO!" I shout, turning into my human form.

My breath quickens before getting weird looks from everyone in the room. "Where is he?!" I yell at him.

Ohm's eyes widen before turning into a blank expression. "Why do you want to know?" He asks, stalking around me.

I feel all eyes on me before losing my confidence. I look at my feet while Ohm smirks infront off me. He lifts my head up to meet his gaze. "P-please..." I mumble, a tear falling down my cheek.

He wipes the tear with his thumb and sighs. He looks over to one of the men and nods to him. He walks towards me and taps me on the shoulder. I follow him looking back at Ohm with a thankful expression. Ohm just looks away and talks to the men with clipboards. 'Fuck me,'

I get escorted to a metal door. The man unlocks it as it swings open. I peak in the dark room before the light off the hallway leaks inside. I see Tyler sitting cross-legged on his bed facing a wall, muttering to himself. "T-Tyler?!" I say hesitately, stepping foward.

He stops muttering, slowly he turns his turns his body around. His eyes glow pink while he stares into my green ones. I walk forward, hesitating at every step.

Once I get to him he stares up at me in wonder. His hand reaches up and touches the side off my face. I blush as I feel my arm rise as it cups his hand in my hand.

He still sits cross-legged, staring at my face. I slowly bend down to gently hug him around the neck. I feel him purr silently before wrapping his arms around me. I feel more comfortable as I feel soft, long fur brush against my cheek. I look up to him to see the huge white tiger face, while he purrs, grasping onto me. I smile at him while he smiles back. I look back at the man who stands there, shocked. I snuggle deeper into Tyler's fur while I close my eyes feeling comfortable, warm, safe.

(Hey guys!! Sorry I didn't et this out yesterday. I needed to edit it but it was way past me bed time xD. I managed to finish the writing tho which is good. It is half term on friday so I get the whole week off next week!! :D. So expect more parts very soonaa (for next week xD).


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