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Luke's POV

I walk towards Gorilla, while he looks through files saved on his computer. "Gorilla, I have an idea!" I smile in excitement.

"What is it Luke?" He asks, turning towards me.

"You know how Ohm took a police car right?" I say to him, a glistening starting in his eyes.

"Don't you guys have any trackers on them incase someone steals one by chance?"

His eyebrow rises, switching programs on his computer. "Good idea Luke, I'll look into that right away." Gorilla says, smirking at me.

I wait behind Gorilla watching the clock tick as time went by. "Got it! It says he's still on the road." Gorilla says, showing me the spot on the map.

I chuckle to myself, rubbing my hands together. "You can't run forever Ryan."

Craig's POV

We keep zooming down the road, me and Brock debating about Brian. "What are we going to do? We can't just leave him with that phsyco!" Brock says, on the verge of tears.

"Brock it's too late, Luke already has him." I sigh, wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

"Guys this is bad, who know what Luke will do to him. I mean if he could do this to me and Craig, then who knows what he's capable of." Tyler explains, looking at Evan.

"He's right... us and even the country could be in great danger." Ohm responds, still looking at the road.

We stay in silence, the roar of the engine almost hushing Brock's sobbing. "Does anyone know anywhere safe to go?" Evan asks, looking at everyone.

"I do, but it's quite far." I say, unlocking my phone.


To Bryciee🤗😁💓:

I'm coming over to yours is that ok?

I'm bringing some friends as well so be ready.


I send the text, watching my phone expectantly. "Ok so where are we going?" Ohm asks, looking at me through the mirror.

"Uhhh we need to go back to the base, then I can lead you from there." I say, Ohm nodding his head.

(1 hour later)

"Ok, woah you guys did a number on that place." Ohm says, looking wide eyed at the blown up base.

"Yeh... we'll all miss it." Evan sighs, watching as we pass it.

I start explaining the way we're going, turning corners every now and then. "Here we are." I say, Ohm stopping at a big house on the edge of the city.

We all get out the car, me rushing towards the front door. I knock, a big smile on my face. 'I can't wait to see Bryce! I haven't seen him for months.'

I wait at the door, noticing another car parked out front. 'Maybe he got a new car.' I think to myself.

The others catch up to me, waiting at the door. Then the door opens revealing Bryce's dad. "Oh um, hi Will. What are you doing here?" I ask, trying to look past him.

He sighs looking behind him. "Can I borrow you for a second?" He asks me.

I nod walking inside, looking behind me as the door shuts behind me. "Craig, we don't know what happened but Bryce he has gone missing."

My eyes widen, looking over at Jane, Bryce's sister. Who was comforting Lottie, Bryce's mother. "Wh-,"

"We haven't heard about him for a while, at first we thought that he just spent a few nights around his friends or he broke his phone and such. But when we came here yesterday, he was nowhere to be seen, even the neighbours hadn't seen him for a while." Will explains.

My body shivers as tears start appearing in my eyes. "And what have you been doing about it?! Huh?"

Will looks taken back as I start feeling angry. "You said you came here yesterday, and I don't see you doing anything to help! There's not any police here, just you sitting on your asses waiting for him to magically come back!" I yell at him, tears pouring out of my eyes.

Will stands there, an emotionless face appearing. "Did you even love him Will?" I softly ask, looking away from him.

I hear knocking come from the door, I open it too see the guys still waiting. "Can we come in now?" Evan asks impatiently.

"Yeh... I think we're done here." I say, glaring at Will.

The guys walk inside, everyone but Marcel. "Hold on guys, I'm just getting my jacket."

We nod as the door shuts, leaving Marcel outside. Delirious notices Jane and Lottie crying he walks towards them, starting a friendly conversation.

Tyler walks up to me, noticing my tears. "What's wrong baby?" He whispers to me, wrapping his arms around my torso.

I hear Will snarl in disgust, walking away from us. 'Oh, I see now.'

I squeeze Tyler tighter, remembering the things we've been through and where we are now. "Why can't this just be over?"

"I don't know babes." He mumbles, messing up my hair.

"I hate being like this! I just want to live a normal shitty life, with you." I cry, stomping my feet.

The knocks come again, making me look over. "I'll get it! Coming Marcel!" Evan shouts, jogging over to the door.

He opens the door, only to be met with Luke. With Marcel being help hostage. "Hello again everyone! Oh isn't this just the best, everyone in one single room! With nowhere to run." He grins, snapping his fingers to the guards.

They threw Marcel in with us, Scott going to his aid straight away. "Luke walks towards me, a big smile spread across his face."

Tyler stood in front of me, glaring into his eyes. Luke scoffs, moving away. "I thought you'd come here Craig." Luke says, admiring the furniture.

"Surprised yet?" He smiles, looking at me.

"What did you do?" I shake, already guessing the answer.

He chuckles darkly to himself. "Who do you think that man was on the news?"

I feel my world freeze, I fall to my knees, tears still pouring from my face. "Poor Bryce, he tried to back you up. But when I realised Ohm was still alive I needed to do something."

"So you used him to fake Ohm's death." My voice croaks.

"Exactly, shame really. He was quite a cute, hopeless guy." Luke says, putting on a seductive smile.

"Would have loved to hear him scream my name as I-."

"That's enough!" Ohm yells, making everyone jump.

Luke walks over to him. Winding his arms around his neck. "What's wrong Ohmie? I thought you liked it when I talk dirty for you~." He whispers, wiggling his hips like a slutty school girl.

"Please Ohmie, I want to back. I miss your touch and your sent. I miss your strong abs rubbing against my back as you ravish me." He whispers, licking Ohm's lips until they're wet.

"No, It's already over."

(Hey guys!! Ik I haven't posted in weeks Dx. So I was like. 'Get your arse up right now otherwise your never going to do it.' Anyway, I hope you guys are doing great and see yah!!!)


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