Damaged (Bonus)

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(Bonus Part :DD !! SUICIDE WARNING !! )

Craig's POV

I feel a sharp pain in my legs, which quickly spread to my waist and then to my neck. I start to feel my hands begin to move, my face starting to twitch as my muscles start to get control. Everything was blurry, my hearing and vision. I suddenly hear a loud bang, my ears screaming. Making my head feel overwhelmed.

I feel someone lift me off my feet. I groan as I get dragged away, hearing screams in the background. "Uhhhhhh...."

I feel my senses start to come to me as my vision and hearing focused. When I hear a familier voice... "TYLER!! DON'T TAKE HIM ANYWHERE!!"

"I've got to hand it to you Craig, your definitely one of a kind." Muttered a voice.


Ohm's POV

I flop on the floor, a pain penetrating through my leg. "Ohm no!" Tyler exclaimes as he gets grabbed.

I look over to see him getting dragged away along with Craig. I feel tears in my eyes, as I hung my head. Still clutching the leg which got shot. 'I've failed them.'

I hear footsteps walk up to me. I look up slowly, to see none other then Luke.

He crouches down to my level, swinging a glock in my face. He points to his banded up shoulder. "This was from you. From the person I loved, trusted and cherished. From the person who loved me, took me out to dinner and brought me to special events. Why Ryan? You couldn't even give me a quick death? But you made me suffer. Is that how much you love me?" He says, faking a cry.

I feel tears go down my face. "I let you go, I gave you sympathy Luke."

"And look where that got you." He said looking around.

"Sympathy never wins Ryan, you let me go because you knew you couldn't live without me. You took advatage of my company and for WHAT?! JUST TO THROW ME AWAY?" He yells.

'He's right...'

"Luke I did love you... I swear." I say, trying to persuade him.

"No you didn't, ever since you got a promotion you never even touched me. Everytime I wanted to go out to spend time with you it was always 'I'm busy Luke, maybe later'. And you would ALWAYS roll your eyes at me. Like does my love annoy you? DOES YOUR OWN HUSBANDS COMPASSION AND LOVE ANNOY YOU?!" He shouts, starting to get emotional.

"I'm sorry Luke... I was way to over with my job an-"

"Sorry doesn't fix anything now Ryan, you've damaged my heart. My head and my life. Your words mean nothing to me. Nothing will mean anything to me anymore. Because of you."

Over Luke's talking I start hearing sirens in the distance. 'Oh, please hurry.'

"I mean, I could kill you, and get my revenge." He says kneeling down next to my ear.

"Or I can make you suffer. And damage you forever." He says, he kneels infront of my face.

He brushes his lips against mine. My whole world stopped as I kiss him. A huge tear dropping from my face. I wanted to live in this feeling forever, my body free from toxicity and anxiety. Just like the first night with Luke. My heart as pure as gold. He pulls away, giving me a smile which turned wicked. My imaginary world turned to dust as he lifted the gun. "At least this time... I won't miss."


I open my eyes, feeling his body fall on me. Blood covering my face. "NOOOOO!!!" I screamed looking into his lifeless eyes. A bullet through his head.

The gun drops from his hand as he body lays limp on mine. My heart drops and shatters. I scream, bursting into tears. Hugging his dead body. I start seeing blue and red flashing sirens as the police start to scream at everyone.

The men being forced to let go of Craig and Tyler. A few cops came towards me, asking me to stand up. I didn't budge, I kept my head low, not making any eye contact. 'Ryan!'


"Look Toonz, I know we haven't been talking much but.... work has been stressing. I promise I will make some time for us." I smile at him.

He looks down in disbelief. "Promise?" He asks.

I nodd while hugging him. "Of course baby." I mumble stroking his hair.

"Love you Ohmie."

"Love you too."


"Nothing can be fixed sir... we are very sorry for your loss." One of them says.

I felt my whole world shatter around me. 'He's right I can't live without him...'

Evan's POV

I wonder over to Ohm so see if he was ok. And then I see Luke in his arms, pale and lifeless. I see him reach for the gun snatching it quickly.

I jump on him, trying to take the gun from him. "PLEASE EVAN! I CANT LIVE LIKE THIS!!" He yelled while weeping.

I statch the gun away and I throw it away, Ryan hugging me tightly and crying on my shoulder. "It's ok Ohm,"

"He did this on purpose... he knew I would be broken without him. He knew this would happen. He planned it, right from the start."

Tyler's POV

I get given my antidote by one of the medics, getting a tingle sensation. Craig walks over to me, looking perfectly fine. He hugs my waist. "Is it weird that I'm still scared?" Craig says, looking up at me.

"No not really."

"I hope Lui is ok. Hopefully Ryan would be able to get him off the hook." Craig says worryingly.

I sigh looking at myself for a moment. "It's never going to be the same... is it?"

I see Craig's eyes tear up. "Lost so many people... lost many advantages... lost many emotions."

I turn to Craig, giving him a sympathic look. "This doesn't change much though. We're just damaged, but not broken."

(EYYYYYYYY bonus part!! I was going to post wayyy sooner but I forgot lol. To be honest I've been thinking on weather I really want to quit or not. Like with this stupid account I made for fun years ago turned into an accomplishment with how much recognition it has gotten. So I'm not saying this is the last story I'm making. But it is possible. If it is however just to let you know you guys have been amazing❤️. Ever since the first story I made to the last just reading my content means alot to me. 😭However if I do make a new story I'm not going to be posting very regularly (just a warning).

Anyway possibly for the last time ever

See yas!!


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