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Vanoss's POV

I pace around the room, thinking about what I'm about to do. Brian then knocks on the door, opening it straight after. "Hey Evan, you want some pizza?" He asks.

I shake my head quickly. "I'm fine thanks." I tell him.

He nodds before shutting the door, walking back to the group.

'C'mon Evan, do this for the group.'

I sigh, looking at the door. I clench my fist as I open the door, hearing chatter of friends down the hall. I huff as I sneek past them towards the door. Marcel spots me, and says something to the group before getting up.

We get outside to be met with rain. 'Fantastic,'

We sneak into the garage, grabbing my car keys from my pocket. We hop inside, quickly turning on the engine. "You sure you want to do this?" He asks me.

I turn out off the driveway and race down the road. I enjoy the bright sun and the fresh air, blowing through my hair. While Marcel enjoys the loud music from the radio.

(15 mins later)

When we both make it to the very tall building, I switch my gear just to stare at my hands. "I'm sorry Jon." I whisper, knowing he's going to figure out eventually.

We get out of the car, shuffling inside. We straight away get stopped by a security guard. "Sorry sir, you need a pass to enter."

"Can I just see the Prime Minister please." Marcel asks politely.

"Sorry sir, that area is forbidden for anyone." He smirks.

Marcel sighs impaciently. "Well I have been sent to turn this guy in." He explains nudging me slightly.

The guard starts to eye me, slowly reaching for his radio. "Sir... you might want to come look at this."

A few minutes later a man with black hair and a leather eye patch comes walking out of the elevator. 'Who the fuck is this guy?'

He hurrys towards us followed by 2 more guards. "Um... who are you?" I ask as he stops infront of me.

He huffs before looking me up and down. "My name is Luke, if you didn't know my fiance has gone so, I am covering him until he comes back." He smiles.

"Ok..." I say, uncomfortable.

He turns to Marcel and eyes him. Now why would I want this guy then?" He asks Marcel, slowly closing the door behind us.

"Well I was a good friend of his, until he told me about the 'Cat and Owl' thing. And then I heard about the reward." He says smiling, trying to make it sound and look convincing.

"Is that so? Well that means me and you can make a deal." He smirks, looking at Marcel.

"Sure, but before I give him to you I need to information about the plan." He says looking at his nails.

I suddenly feel cuffs go around my wrists. "Hey!" I shout, only to get a cloth wrapped around my mouth.

"That can easily be settled, but can I have your name?" He smiles, paying no attention to me.

I suddenly get shoved into the elevator by the guards, going lower. I then get presented by very big cages, along with smaller ones. "Welcome to your new home." One of them says.

We go down the corridor towards the end. I get put into a small cell at the end. "We'll be back later." One of them smirks, leaving with the other guards.

I look around in my cell wondering what they're going to do next. That's when I hear little noises in the cell beside me. "Um, hello?" I say.

The noises stop as a small fox comes infront of my cell. It squeazes between the bars, quickly walking towards me. It had a tiny metal collar that just fit around it's neck. "Hello buddy." I smile, reaching my hand out.

It pushes against my palm with it's nose. I start petting it, enjoying the company. Suddenly it's ears prop up as it scurries away just before the doors swing open. "Let me go! I swear if you touch Craig!"


Craig's POV

I push on Evan's hand, trying to communicate with him. Unfortunately Luke put me in a tight collar meaning it will strangle me if I change form. The same with Tyler only he is in human form. He obviously knew the weakest forms for both of us.

I hear echoed footsteps get louder so I quickly scurry back in my cell, just before the doors crash open. "Let me go! I swear if you touch Craig!"

I see Tyler get thrown into his cell, landing on his side. He hisses before getting the door locked. A shadow suddenly looms over me as Luke stands behind the bars. His smug face looking directly at my fragile body. "Why hello there~."

He chuckles before crouching down to my height. I growl at him, slowly backing away. "Oh c'mon, now that Ohm's out of the picture you only have me." He whispers, while unlocking the door.

He enters in the cell, closing the door behind him. I cower in a corner as he creeps closer. Tyler bangs on the bars, cursing at Luke as he grabs me by the scruff of my neck. "Aww, you're quite a cute fellow aren't you." He says poking at my nose.

I swing at him, hissing in the process while struggling in his tight grasp. He chuckles deeply throwing me into a cage a guard was holding. I yelp as Tyler keeps calling my name. I look over at Evan in the cell, who's looking at me with a very confused face. I look at my paws as I slowly move to the far back of my cage as I get carried away.

Tyler's POV

I feel anger build up as I throw a punch to the wall, denting it a bit. "Tyler?!"

I spin around to see Evan in a cell next to Craig's. "Evan?! What the fuck are you doing here?!"

He opens his mouth to speak before looking the camera in the corner. He edges closer before whispering the words. "We're getting you guys out off here."

(Hey guys!! Sowwy I've been lazy this week. I get pay back for school being tomorrow tho xD. This part aint that great but... I had to change it twice 😪😪. I have no life.... literally. I swear this is like homework now but goodish... just typing what I'm thinking now. K bye, I'm so tired after doing nothing today.)


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