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Luke's POV

"Well well well, what do we have hear." I say, striding into the mildly lit room.

"Where am I?" Brian growls, wriggling around in the seat.

"Where do you think? I mean... isn't it obvious?" I say removing the blindfold from his eyes.

He looks straight up at me, looking at my evil grin. "Now Brian, why do you think your friends left you behind?" I ask, slowly pacing around his chair.

I look over at Brian, seeing his face drop slightly. "They don't care about you do they?" I smile, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course they do... It might have just been an accident." Brian mumbles looking away.

I laugh loudly, wiping my fake tears. "I'm sorry, I just find the fact that you think your 'friends' still like you." I scoff, bending down to his level.

"Face it Brian, they used you. For your strength, brains just for slave work."

I see Brian stare into my eyes, seeing the rage build up. "That shit won't work on me." He growls, breaking eye contact.

I continue looking at him, wondering what's holding him back. 'Wait...'

"It's Brock isn't it? Your thinking about him right now." I say, smiling when I see his face change to shock.

"How do you now about Brock?!" He snarls, looking back at me.

"How do you think? I know Mini, Tyler, Evan and now you. So why shouldn't I know about the rest of your silly little group?"

"Silly group? Excuse me, I don't think a majorly wanted gang is silly."

I clench my fists, feeling anger starting to build up. "Enough chit chat, now you are going to do what I say." I smile, grabbing a knife from the small table beside me.

"I won't do shit for you! Kill me I don't give a shit. But I'm not helping some phsyco who thinks they can do what ever they want." He curses, he face starting to go red from anger.

I laugh manically, enjoying his efforts to offend me. "Well, excuse me. I thought you said you where a part of the 'majorly wanted gang' who killed and stole money from innocent people."

His face turns cold, realising what he said was wrong. I lean into his ear, a wide grin plastered on my face. "Who's the phsyco now?"

I walk out the room, clicking my fingers to the guards. "Un tie him, and bring him with me." I order, hearing shuffles behind me.

"Where am I going now?!" Brian over exaggerates.

"You won't help? We'll see about that." I chuckle, ignoring his question.

I grab my radio from my pocket, bringing it close to my mouth. "Get the machine ready."

"Yes sir," It replies back.

Soon after we enter the lab, everyone looks at me when I walk in. One of them walk up to me. "It's ready sir, but why do you need it?" Lui says, letting me walk past.

He looks towards the door, seeing Brian being led in. His eyes widen as he catches up to me. "Sir! Your not really doing this right? This machine isn't officially tested. It could kill him, or at least brainwash him forever." Lui says, hearing shaking in his tone.

"If it means finding them. I don't care." I harshly snap.

Lui holds back, letting me walk into the room next door. I walk in, waiting for the other 3 to walk in as well. "What is this?" Brian says, looking around the room.

"The place where we will fix you." I state.

The guards lay Brian on the metal table tying him down with ropes. I grab a choker, putting it in Brian's mouth. "This machine Brian, is one I started a few weeks ago. It's supposed to mess with your memory, delete every feeling and emotion. Unfortunately it is quite a dangerous procedure because it can damage your brain and things but... hopefully that won't happen will it?" I smile, seeing fear in his eyes.

I grab the hat which had wires connected to it. I place it on Brian's head, feeling the fast beat of his pulse as I trail my finger down his neck. "Enjoy your life while you can. Well, what you have left of it anyway." I cackle, turning the machine on ULTRA HI.

I switch on the machine straight away getting a reaction from Brian, his body shaking from all the energy traveling through his body. Sparks start to fly out of the helmet, electrifying Brian's brain. His screams of pain hardly muted by the choker. Tears pour out of his eyes as faint smoke starts to appear. The lights in the room flicker, as more sparks appear from the machine. Then suddenly, the power goes out.

"What the fuck happened?!" I curse loudly.

The door opens, Lui entering the room. "Sir, the power of the whole east of the city shut down. The machine obviously took too much."

'News team re going to be after my ass.' I think to myself.

" Guards, go make sure no paparazzi get in. I'll try to cover up."

The guards nod, rushing out the lab. I walk over to Brain, I feel his pulse, nothing. 'Shit,'

I clench my fists knocking something over in a rage. The emergency power comes on, the red light filling the room. Suddenly Brian twitches, his eyes open, making the lights flicker once again. I tilt my head, slowly pacing towards him. "Brain?" I say.

His head snaps towards me, his eyes became more golden in colour. Brian looks around, his hands sparking with electricity. "Oh my god..."

(Hey guys!!! Sorry I didn't post last week Dx. I'm starting to get more tests in school and had to revise a lot :/. Mostly with science xD. Sorry if there are any English mistakes btw I'm just brain dead today. Anyway see ya'll in the next part!! :D)


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