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Tyler's POV

Me and my friends sit in the lounge, the clear sound of banging coming from the door of news reporters. I keep having this annoying headache... it just won't go away. "Tyler you doing ok? You seem... stressed." Brock askes me, worryingly.

A shiver went up my spine until I realise it was just Evan stroking my back. "It's ok man, we know your worried about Craig. But they don't have any proof he did it."

"I know... I just can't believe how we've ended up." I stand up suddenly, waving my arms in the air.

"I mean look at us, hard earned criminals inside a police lounge! I thought I'd be in a cell at this point! Making us look back at our miserable lives."

I look over at Evan, seeing his face in his hands. "THEY'RE CAMERAS IN HERE YOU IDIOT!!" He shouts, jumping up at me.

"We need to go." Delirious says, stuffing his things in his pockets, starring out the window.

'Oh shit no...' I think to myself, seeing everyone exept Evan wait for me.

"HURRY UP TYLER!!" He shouts, grabbing my arm and dragging me out.

Suddenly the alarms go off, speakers roar through the room.

"Alert!! Violent beings inside the buildings! Do not get in their way! Officers are coming!!"

We run into the parking lot, loud sirens in the distance. Delirious smashes open a car window unlocking it from inside. "Hurry up Delirious!! They'll be here any moment now!" I yell, watching as a group of cops come running down the hallway.

"Ahh shit." I curse, I look around spotting a knife in Del's belt.

I rush for it, quickly snatching it off him. "Hey!" Delirious shouts, still focusing on the hot wiring.

I stick myself onto the wall, hearing the door open. "Put your hands up!!" One of them shouts, pointing a pistol at them.

They crowd the group, not noticing me behind them and Delirious in the car. I creep up behind the one with the shotgun, a lump in my throat and a bad feeling in my stomach. I wait, ignoring the rambling coming from the cops. I stay still, almost breathing on the man, waiting for the right moment.

Delirious suddenly starts the car, triggering my nerves to attack. I quickly slit the officers throat, waisting no time and going for another with a gun. The guys hurry in the car, accept from Evan and Delirious. Helping me fight the last few guards. I was about to kill another guy when a gunshot was heard. "AAAAAH!!" Delirious screams, clutching his leg.

I see Evan running to his aid, as I try to fight by myself. "Evan just go to the car with Delirious, I'll be there in a second!" I breath heavily, losing my stamina quickly.

I knock out the last guy, running towards the car with a stitch in my side and the pain still in my head. Marcel opens the door for me, letting me jump in easily. Him stepping on the gas, making the engine roar before taking off down the road.

I look behind to see everyone squished in the back, Delirious sitting on Evan's lap while applying pressure on his wound. "Where are we going?!" David asks over the noise.

"I don't know yet! Best If we lose the cops first!!" Marcel replies, concentrating on the road.

My heart starts beating, my head pulsing along with it. I held back, trying to ignore it as the others panick in the back. I let out a load groan which is muted by the wind, my eyes closing and my eyes rolling back. 'C'mon not now, anytime but now.'

Craig's POV

I get let out, getting handed my thing in the processes. The pain in my head stayed the same, making me whine every now and then. 'I need to contact Tyler.' I think, grabbing my phone from my pocket.

I find Tyler in my contacts and press call, making my phone buzz over, and over, and over again until it got to voicemail. I hang up, getting a bit worried. I hear my stomach rumble loudly, making me realize I haven't eaten in ages.

I look around to see a KFC resturant down the road. I walk inside, walking in the small line ahead of me. I reach the till ordering a bucket of chicken, fries and some coke. I wait at the pick up section, looking around the room. Spotting families and couples sitting at tables. All apart from one, I turn around, seeing that my foods ready. I grab it and rushed towards them, slowing down when I realise who it is. "Lui?!"

Lui turns towards me, his eyes widening as he looks at me. "Craig?!" Lui yells, dropping his food and standing up.

He looked scared at me as he starts examining me. "Are you ok? Ohm called me saying you where ill."

"Well Iv'e got a headache and then I have these unusual blackouts..."

He grabbed out his phone typing something out. "Come, sit down." He says letting me sit down opposite him.

I start digging into my food, my hunger at it's limit. "What happened back there? Where's Ohm?" He asks, already throwing me questions.

I swallow my mouthful, feeling the meat slide down my throat, almost choking on it. "Well, back at a friends house... we went to stay for a while. Just to hang low. But, Luke found us. Threatened to take us away again, but Ohm killed him on the spot. So as soon as the police arrived me and Ohm got taken to the police sation because we where closest to the body. We got placed into a temperary cell, until they let me go free and kept Ohm." I explain, tears filling my eyes.

Lui stares at me, taking it all in as I start eating again. "Damn, but we need to do something Craig." Lui says, alerting me.

"What is it?" I ask, with a confused expression.

"Back when Ohm contacted me about you and your migranes. I looked through some files, files of the formulea used on you to be exact. It turns out there might have been side effects. Which might lead to death." Lui says, leaving me in shock.

"W-what about Tyler?!" I stutter, my body shivering.

"Well we never know, at worst he could be dead at this very moment."

(Not going to say anything.~)


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