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Craig's POV

I continue to snooze underneath the bed. Dreaming about the past, like Bryce, 'I wonder what he's up to?'

Suddenly I hear the door open, my ears perking up. I look from under the bed to see David. "Hey buddy!" He smiles as I jump around like a dog.

He walks over to his desk and grabs a camera. "Watch this," He smirks.

He opens the blinds, letting in an orange glow from the sun. I jump onto of the bed to get a better view. 'Woah,'

I look out the window to see the countryside, behind it the blinding sun letting out many colours as it sets. I hear David take pictures of the veiw, while I admire every detail. "It's really something isn't it?" David sighs, putting his hands on his hips.

He turns towards me, thinking for a second. "Do you want to come with me? I'm going for a walk, to take pictures." He says, turning away.

My tail wags as I jump up and down on the bed. He chuckles before putting the camera into his man purse.

"We'll have to wait for my dad to leave first." He says sitting on the bed next to me, scratching behind my ear.

~10 minutes later~

"C'mon Aindreas we don't want to miss sundown! I've already packed the guns so we don't have to waste time... and remember the rope this time!!" Someone yells from downstairs.

"Coming dad!" Aindreas shouts, sprinting down the stairs.

Just before the door closes David stands up. "Lets go then." He says, grabbing a jacket and then holding the door open for me.

I walk through the door, trotting down the stairs David on my trail. "Bye ma'am! We're going for a walk!" He waves to his mother whose on the sofa watching TV.

"Before you go can you check if the dogs are in?" She asks.

"Sure ma'am." He says, closing the door.

We walk down the stairs, me following David through a pathway to a couple kennels. He goes inside, closing the door before I could get in. "JOE! TONY! YOU IN THERE?" He yells.

Suddenly 2 sheepdogs come running out of the kennels, tackling David to the floor. "Alright alright!" He chuckles trying to get up.

I chuckle to myself as he gets covered in saliva. 'Oh my god.'

Tyler's POV

I've been looking for a whole day, walking through many fields, getting more and more tired as time went on. 'C'mon, where are you?'

I groan as I sit in some grass, taking some time to breath. I then hear some shuffling in the grass beside me. My ears perk up as I get jumped by 2 men. One tieing all my legs together and making sure my mouth was tied shut. The older looking one points a gun to my head. "Well well well, why is one of your kind wondering around here?" The older looking one says.

I wriggle around, struggling to move. I growl at both of them, my eyes piercing into theirs.

"C'mon help me load him into the truck."

They pull me into a sack, making my side scrape against the floor. "This would go perfect with the others."

My ears perk up as I feel my body shiver. 'What are they going to do to me?'

I get thrown in the back of the truck, my head hitting the back. I growl as I feel light headed for a moment before I black out.

Luke's POV

"So Bryce, my name is Luke. I'm your new boss." I say, standing up.

"You will be part of my... plan, you see Craig. Your cousin right? Well he's gone missing." I say, looking over at a confused Bryce.

"W-wait... why would you care so much about him?" He asks curiously.

"I knew his uncle, he's a good man." I lie, trying to sound believable.

I hear Bryce growl as he stands up. "Craig's uncle was an alcoholic. And he would hurt him everyday. And he always came to me for comfort." He growls, heading for the door.

"Nice try, Luke." He snarls, walking out.

I mutter something in my radio, to have Bryce forced back into the room by some guards. "You just had to make things hard..." I mutter, grabbing a gun from my drawer.

"Give me your phone." I say, holding my hand out.

He reaches for his phone, slowly grasping it in his hand. He quickly then throws it to the wall, making it break on impact. I smirk, loving his efforts. "Take him away." I order, having Bryce get dragged to the basement.

I grab the cracked phone taking the sim card out. I place it in my own phone, scrolling through contacts until I find 'Mini Ladd'.

"Ugh, where is it?!" I mutter angrily.

I storm out of my office to the dungon. "Where's Bryce?" I ask a guard.

He nodds towards a cell in the middle of other empty ones. I storm up to it seeing Bryce sitting on the bed. "Where is he in your contacts?" I ask him, getting his attention.

"Why should I tell you?" He snarls back.

I pull out the gun from my pocket. I slowly unlock the door, stepping inside. "What do you think?" I say, smirking at him, placing the gun to the temple of his head.

He crosses his arms, looking away. "No,"

"C'mon Bryce, now's not the time to be stubborn." I say, spinning my gun in my hands.

He sighs and mutters to himself. "He's Mini... Mini Ladd."

(Hey guys!!! Sorry this didn't come up on Sunday. I wrote like half of this but it didn't save 😐😑. So I had to restart!! 😤 Anyways I break up from school next week so I'll try to upload more then 👍. Have a great day and see yaaas 👐😊. )


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