one ; lazy night

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" your skin is warm like an oven, your kiss is sugary sweet - your fingers feel like cotton when you put your arms around me "


"goodnight boys." sonia kaspbrak said, standing in the door frame of eddie's room that he was currently sharing with richie.

"goodnight mommy." eddie cooed from his bed.

"night miss' k." richie smirked from the mattress next to the bed.

sonia shot them one last smile before leaving, closing the door as she did so. her steps slowly faded away and the two boys heard the sound of another door closing itself. that was it, sonia kaspbrak wouldn't hear a thing.

"okay you can come in bubba." eddie said, his chest aching with happiness. richie got up at the speed of light and practically threw himself on eddie's bed, making the small boy chuckle silently.

eddie helped him get comfortable under the blankets before pulling him close to him. "i couldn't wait for her to leave." richie confessed, pressing eddie's body against his chest whilst he tangled their legs together.

"oh i know, me neither." eddie replied, kissing richie's chest which was covered with his tee. "it feels so warm in here." he added, making richie chuckle. "no, i mean it."

richie's hand met eddie's soft hair as he softly massaged his scalp with his long fingers, making eddie hum in content, burrying his face deeper into the trashmouth's chest. the response amused richie just as much as he adored it. "like that, honey?"

"uh huh." eddie muttered, gripping onto richie's shirt. "could you like... not stop?"

richie kissed eddie's forehead. "sure baby." and eddie nodded, enjoying richie's touch and melting into the overwhelming feeling of peace. richie's chest was bursting with happiness because he knew how happy eddie was in that moment and knowing he was the reason for that happiness made him feel almost ecstatic.

eddie's nose met richie's neck as the small boy started leaving gentle and soft kisses all over it. it wasn't in a seductive way, it was more of a lazy gesture. it was late at night and richie's hand movements against eddie's scalp got slower and slower by the second, which only made eddie enjoy them even more.

when richie felt the boy's damp lips on his skin, he smiled real big, lowering his head a little so it would touch eddie's head.

they were both loving every single second of their affection towards one another. both richie's fingers and eddie's lips moved in sync adding that at some point, eddie's hands were under richie's shirt, softly caressing the warm skin of richie's back.

there wasn't a single inch between them. everything was so perfect.

"oh eddie, the things you do to me." richie said almost in a whisper. he was in such bliss that he could barely speak. his hand was still on eddie's hair. "fuck, if we don't do this more often--"

"we will." eddie pulled away from richie's neck for just a second to say those words. after that, he kept going.

"shit eds. i love you." richie blurted out. "i love you so much baby boy."

eddie chuckled against richie's skin, his lips parting a little bit more and leaving more intense kisses. "i... love you... too... angel. more than... you could... ever... imagine."

richie tilted eddie's head up to smash his lips against his. eddie kissed back almost instantly, trying to be as close to richie as he possibly could.

"i wish... i c-could... kiss you... forever." richie said against eddie's mouth. the small boy just nodded signaling he felt the same way, taking in every single second of richie's proximity.

they made out for a really long time, neither of them really cared. once they broke the contact between their lips, both of them were panting trying to catch their breaths.

"want me to get your inhaler love?" richie asked genuinely concerned, placing a hand on eddie's cheek.

he shook his head with a soft smile. "i'm good. thanks richie." eddie yawned as he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

"aw, is my baby tired?" richie cooed as eddie let out a sleepy giggle, burrying his face on the crook of richie's neck. that was classic sleepy eddie, the taller boy thought. "yes he is." he muttered with a smile.

"do the hair thing." eddie whispered. he was almost fully asleep and that was the last thing he wanted to say before being entirely unconscious.

"why of course." richie whispered, caressing eddie's scalp as he had done earlier. eddie was already asleep by this point.

eddie loved their lazy nights.


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