twenty six ; aftermath

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" leaves behind a tragic world but he won't mind, he's in love and he says love is fine "



nobody knows how it happened but that morning, both richie tozier and eddie kaspbrak woke up at the same time.

it took them less than a second to see how ridiculously tight their bodies were naturally pressed against each other; eddie's arms were around richie's shoulders and the much taller man's arms were around eddie's torso. one of his hands even found comfort under eddie's t-shirt. so, naturally, when the two pair of eyes fluttered open, they just went towards one another like magnets.

and within seconds, it all came flooding back.

the sewers, the losers, the clown. all of it.

they had made it. they had actually made it.

eddie was so taken aback at how quickly everything came back to him that when richie, his heart filled with relief and love, smashed his lips against his, he let out a little oop of surprise. but richie's gesture was so incredibly strong that he wound up pushing eddie off the bed (of richie's apartment) and, since eddie was hooked to him, that meant he had dragged the taller man with him.

when their bodies hit the floor, they started to laugh uncontrollably. as he laughed, richie burried his face on eddie's neck. eddie chuckled, nuzzling his fingers on richie's dark hair. "good morning, i guess." the shorter man snickered.

"good fucking morning." richie smirked, slightly pulling away. "sorry about that."

"meh." eddie simply said. "don't curse like that." he bothered to add, with a little smiled that he failed to convey.

richie only rolled his eyes before these two went back to eddie. you're fucking blurry but goddamn it edward, you're so beautiful. his hair was all messy and he had traces of bags under his eyes. richie brought a hand to his cheek, he could feel the facial hair slightly tickling his skin. "how much did you sleep last night?" he questioned as his face got closer to eddie's until he was able to press his nose against the other man's cheek.

both men closed their eyes. eddie sighed. "a little. more than i thought i would." he said. probably has something to do with you, you dickhead.

"yeah, me too. thanks again for staying with me." richie commented. "being alone didn't seem like a viable option yesterday." he murmured.

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