twenty eight ; the hammock

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" and no matter the weather, we can do it better - you and me together forever and ever "



eddie rolled his eyes as he climbed down the club house. "oh there you are." he sighed in annoyance at the sight of richie lying on the old hammock, one of his legs dangling from the edge.

"howdy partner!" richie greeted him. eddie only smirked at the man's silliness. "care to join me?"

eddie scoffed. "i better, dude, it's been my turn in the hammock for, what? two decades?" he joked, remembering that one day they had a heated fight over whose turn it was at the hammock.

"i meant with me, you idiot." richie chuckled. "i don't give a shit about your turn. or mine. i just want to be with you." he smiled shyly.

eddie's demeanor turned soft at those words. he tried to brush it off with another eyeroll but he was quick to join richie. he lied carefully on top of him, letting his head rest against the left side of richie's neck. the taller man sighed in content, wrapping his arms around eddie's body. "well that's much better, i gotta say." he commented, making eddie snort. "not gonna lie to you, i was starting to get bored out of my mind."

eddie laughed. "are you being legitimately serious right now? unbelievable." he muttered.

they remained silent as richie pressed a kiss to eddie's right shoulder. he smiled when he felt the gesture before bringing one of richie's hands to his lips, letting it linger there for a little while.

"you know," richie said, recieving a low hum from eddie. "we should totally fuck here."

"nope." eddie giggled. "there's no fucking way."

richie chuckled, knowing that that was gonna be the answer. "oh well. was worth a shot."

"no, it wasn't. jesus, you haven't changed a bit." eddie commented. richie shook his head lightly. "that's good, actually. i'm glad you didn't." he said. his smile started fading away. "i missed you, richie. i mean i know that's not technically possible because of the whole forgetting issue but, yeah. i missed you." he murmured, bringing richie's hand back to his face, seeking comfort. "i missed your stupid jokes..."

"i knew you liked them, you little shit!"

"quiet." eddie said, trying to hide the smile in his voice. "i missed how fucking obnoxious you were. i haven't been able to shut anybody up in years." he whined much like a child, making richie laugh underneath him. "i missed how you always took care of me." at those words, richie held him a wee bit tighter. "remember how you always used to carry an extra inhaler in case i had an attack and didn't have mine?" eddie snickered fondly at the memory.

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