four ; soulmate

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" i've heard about you before, i wanted to know some more - and now i know what they mean, you're a love machine "

richie was starting to feel more and more left out every single day.

ever since his only friend, stan, had found his soulmate, bill, the boy felt like he didn't fit in anymore, like he was different.

every day he woke up, hoping his soulmate would magically appear in his path, because that's what happens according to anyone.

the day bill and stan found each other was pretty perfect. for them it worked like this: their hearts would never be able to beat unless they found each other. stan couldn't feel anything before bill, no pain, no happiness, no nothing. but one day, his chests started moving up and down and a glowing smile was plastered on his usually numb lips. and that's how it happened: they found each others heartbeats.

richie would never admit it but he longed for such a love story.

for richie it was different though: he couldn't feel heat. every single day of his life, he'd be wearing at least three sweaters to protect himself from a cold weather that wasn't even there. the doctors said that when he found his soulmate, he'd feel warm and an overwhelming heat would take over his entire body. richie tozier couldn't wait.

he thought the day would never come. that was, until it did.

richie was walking home from school, three sweaters on him, a thick scarf and a beanie. he was shivering as he kept his hands inside his pockets. he had stupidly forgotten about his gloves. he had cursed himself for it that very same moring.

suddently, his body started feeling weird. he couldn't quite understand what was happening but it was like every single inch of his body had a pulse. he stopped walking and frowned, while paying close attention to the feeling.

wait... do i want to take my sweaters off?

it seemed like it. his body was burning. he took off his beanie and then his scarf. he proceeded to pass the first two sweaters over his head, feeling a lot better.

he looked up. and he saw him.

just a couple inches away from richie, holding from two jackets and a scarf, stood a boy. he was pretty small, his hair and eyes were brown and soft and delicate freckles were spread all over his cheeks.

within a few seconds of great silence richie let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. that's when the little boy spoke up. "it's not... cold anymore." he whispered. "it's... warm."

"i believe that's what they call it, yes." richie said, his voice cracking in the middle of the sentence. he sobbed, unable to hold his emotions back. "holy fuck."

richie took a few steps towards the boy but before he could do anything else, the beautiful stranger let go of all the articles of clothing he had taken off, wrapped his arms around his neck and connected their lips. richie finally felt complete .

that overwhelming heat that supposedly took over one's body? he felt it. and it was all because of that boy.

he wanted to know his name, he wanted to know it so badly. but man oh man, did he love kissing him. he let go of his clothes as well and his hands reached the boy's thighs to gently pull him up so he could carry him. he had always wanted to do that with his soulmate and now he was.

the boy pulled away, hugging richie lovingly. richie hugged back, sighing against his shoulder. "i'm eddie, by the way. eddie kaspbrak."

"richard tozier." he responded. "but nobody calls me that, i go by richie." this last comment made eddie chuckle. he was still being carried by richie but he was so comfortable. "and i believe we're soulmates."

"yes we are." eddie whispered, resting his forehead against richie's. he couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful he was.

and little did he know, richie was thinking the same thing. "my god eds, you're... you're beautiful. i have the prettiest soulmate in the world." he chuckled between his tears.

eddie pouted, gently running his fingers across richie's cheeks. "thanks richie. but don't call me eds."

"nuh uh. eds fits you perfectly, my love." richie smirked, making eddie roll his eyes.

"shut up and kiss me, soulmate."

richie's knees almost melted when eddie called him soulmate. he couldn't believe he had found the person that he'd be able to call his. he couldn't wait to get to know eddie and laugh with him, and cuddle him in stormy nights and just everything he had always dreamed of.

everything he had always dreamed of was right there, legs wrapped around his torso, a huge grin on his face.

and so he leaned in, and kissed eddie kaspbrak once again.


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