twenty seven ; happy song

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" i don't believe in destiny but every word you swear to me, all my beliefs start caving in "


richie tozier wanted to be a musician. he wanted it desperately.

and he never thought that, with time, the one thing about his life that he despised with all his might was going to be what would trigger his potential as a songwriter.

his parents fighting.

every night, the same old damn story. wentworth would come home, probably too drunk to give a damn about the fact that he was tripping over everything that stood on his way. maggie tozier, of course, would start the yelling and that would only make wentworth more susceptible to being violent and brutal towards his wife.

richie tried not to listen to them: once he'd hear the door swing open from the comfort of his room, he'd put his headphones in and that was it. he was driven to this entirely new dimension that only his favorite artists could send him to.

but one day, his beloved walkman broke. he couldn't afford another one.

and for the first time in a long time, he had to hear his parents fight.

the first two nights? unbearable. richie would cry himself to sleep, wondering why the fuck he had to be born.

but the third night? richie discovered something that might just save him from that awful experience.

to distract himself, he tried different strumming patterns in his guitar. just when he was doing so, maggie yelled,

why can't you just be normal?!

and richie didn't know what he had done but that exact thing, along with his mother's sentence, fitted perfectly. the boy was startled at first, and forgot about the heated fight for a mere millisecond.

so that night, he actually listened to what his parents said to one another. and if there was an interesting sentence or expression that richie would like to keep in mind, he'd write it down to use it later.

the first song he ever wrote with that somewhat twisted method was called 'one bottle, two bottles' and it went a little like this;

i heard the door slam
i feel my heart bang
i can't recognize you
who was so loyal

i know what you're looking for
'cause it's her that you've seeked before
why can't you just
be normal?

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