thirty five ; paige kaspbrak-tozier

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" even when you're gone, somehow you come along just like a flower poking through the sidewalk crack "



"eddie kaspbrak, you are just the sneakiest man i have ever met!" beverly laughed as he let eddie through the hallways of the usc hotel in los angeles, california, whilst he carried his four year old daughter paige kaspbrak-tozier in his arms. she had short blonde hair and a smile that could light up an entire room.

"so i've been told." eddie smiled, rolling his eyes in the process. then, he proceeded to look at his daughter. "are you excited, princess? we're gonna see daddy!" he smiled widely at her.

because the plan was to surprise richie while he was on tour. it was a pretty long one and they hadn't seen richie in three months, and there just came a point where skype calls everyday stopped being enough. both paige and eddie missed him like crazy. so, with bev's help (bev had been living in LA with ben due to work obligations) he organized the whole thing.

in fact, eddie had a backpack with enough stuff to stay with richie for a couple of days, and he was carrying a backpack for everything that paige would need as well.

at the mention of her other daddy, she smiled back. "daddy." she giggled, putting a finger between her lips.

bev chuckled. "you have an angel for a daughter, you know that?"

eddie looked at her fondly. "yeah. we know."

after a couple of minutes of rapid walking, they finally reached richie's room, and eddie looked at bev expectantly. she put her index up, signaling him to wait a second. she pulled out her phone (paige stared at her actions with interesting) and opened her messages with richie.

"i'm gonna text him to open the door for me." she said with a chuckle. "after that, it's up to you and the little nugget." she said, saying the last three words in a squeakier voice and tickling paige's stomach, making the girl giggle as she tried to push her hand away.

"wait, you're not staying?" eddie asked. bev shook her head with a smirk. "now who's the sneaky one?" he joked, making bev roll her eyes. "but seriously, though. thanks for helping me out with this. it means the world, to both of us." he took a glance at his daughter, who just smiled fondly at him. with a little chuckle, he kissed the tip of paige's little nose.

within a few clicks of the phone, bev had texted richie open the door dumbass i've got donuts waiting for your fat ass 😘. "all set. good luck guys. bye, nugget!" she kissed paige's head and rubbed eddie's shoulder lovingly.

"say goodbye to aunt bev, baby."

"bye aunt bev!" paige smiled as she waved at bev whilst she disappeared in the hallway. as soon as he heard footsteps getting closer and closer to the other side of the door, he turned around. he put his index finger on his lips to signal paige to not make a noise. she mimicked him with a mischievous smirk.

once the door opened, they were met with richie tozier in all of his glory; wearing pajamas at fucking three pm.

when he saw his family standing next to him he opened his eyes and mouth wide open. "no way!" he exclaimed.

"daddy! daddy!!" paige shrieked, making grabby hands at his father (the one who wasn't carrying him).

richie snatched the little girl from eddie's arms, lifting her up in the air, gaining a few loud giggled from her. "hi big bird!" he brought her down close to him and gave her a gigantic and loud kiss on the cheek. "daddy missed you so much, oh!" and he started blowing raspberries on her neck, making her laugh uncontrollably.

"hello? i am here too." eddie interrupted the hearfelt moment, slightly waving his hand at the father-daughter duo.

richie's eyes fell on eddie as he smiled widely. that's when eddie noticed that his eyes were teary. "oh daddy missed you so much too, eds!" he said, wrapping his free arm around eddie and pulling him closer to him and smashing his lips against his.

eddie chuckled against richie's mouth, wrapping one arm around his neck and the other one around their daughter. he could feel her tiny hand hugging the back of his neck as he kissed his husband, finally recieving what he had craved for three months.

"i've missed you both so much." richie murmured, pressing his forehead against eddie's. paige leaned against richie's face, pressing her cheek against his cheek. her eyes were kind of loopy, it had been a pretty long plane flight for her. richie chuckled. "oh i think someone needs to take a nap." he said, making eddie nod with a soft smile on his face. "wanna take a nap with your old man? yeah?" he asked paige. she closed her eyes and burried her face on the crook of richie's neck with a soft hum. "well, that settles it. and i think your daddy over here needs a nap too." he turned to eddie and saw that he had bags under his eyes.

"try taking care of a cranky four year old during a six hour flight." eddie said. "i should be father of the year." he added sarcastically.

"well, you are to me." richie said genuinely, kissing eddie's temple and leading his inside, with a sleepy paige still slung over his left arm.

"so, tell me," eddie said, wrapping his arms around richie's waist. "why the heck are you wearing you pajamas in the afternoon?" he asked.

"because today's my free day, duh? plus, i would've prettied up if i had known my two favorite people in the entire world were gonna come to visit." he smirked. he felt paige yawn against his neck. "oh i know princess, we're gonna go sleepy right now, okay?" he said before kissing her forehead a couple times.

eddie couldn't help but smile at the two of them. richie could say that eddie should be father of the year all he wanted but eddie knew in his heart that the title was meant for richie and richie only.

ever since they adopted paige, richie had found a new light inside of him that shines really big every single day of his life. he was completely devoted to her and would die for her any day. eddie knew what that was like, he felt the same way every time he looked into her big blue eyes.

both eddie and paige changed into more comfortable clothes and got under the cover's of richie's big hotel bed. paige was tucked in the middle of the two men with one arm of each wrapped around her. once her tiny head hit the pillow, she was out.

eddie chuckled sleepily. "rich?"

"mhm." richie mumbled, already closing his eyes, the tip of his nose almost brushing paige's cheek.

"i love you." he said, biting his bottom lip.

richie smiled and brough eddie's hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to it. "i love you more, honey. thank you for coming."

they were woken up almost three hours later by paige jumping on them like a monkey.


the olsen twins as reddie's daughter >>>> 💓💖💗💞💕 anyways hello long time no see, i hope y'all liked this because i lowkey didn't but it's ok lol

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