thirteen ; angel

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" you look so nice in your shirt, it's sad because it just hurts - i'd do anything for you, but would you do that for me too? "


"yuck." eddie whined, looking at himself in the mirror in utter disgust. he was trying one of his boyfriend's denim jackets that had the symbol of the rolling stones in the back, and he couldn't possibly feel worse about himself. he took it off, almost scared that his own ugliness would ruin it.

"jeez eds, i'm glad you like my jacket." richie snickered sarcastically, entering the room where eddie was currently in.

eddie quickly panicked, shaking his head frantically. "n-no, no, it's not that! it's just, um..." he glanced at the jacket that was neatly hanging from his left arm. he bit his bottom lip and that's when richie started to worry.

"yeah?" richie said, walking towards the smaller boy, which only made him more anxious than he already was.

"i-i look gross on it." eddie squeaked, holding back a sob as he put the back of his hand on his lips. he sniffled, shutting his eyes. "i-it's so beautif-ful and c-comfy but when i p-put it on... it j-just throws everything off!"

richie clicked his tongue, envelopping eddie in a tight and loving hug. eddie held onto the fabric of richie's t-shirt, sniffling and sobbing all over it. "i-i'm sorry rich... i'm sorry you couldn't find anything b-better than me."

"stop it." richie said, pulling away from eddie as he grabbed his shoulders in a loving manner, rubbing his thumbs against them. "i am not gonna have you standing here and saying such a great amount of bullshit, okay? eddie kaspbrak, you're the hottest man that has set foot in derry."

eddie let out a choked giggle at richie's words. "quit it richie, i know that's not true..."

"and you know what would make you even hotter?" richie asked, cutting him off. he smirked real beg. "your smokin' hot boyfriend's denim jacket."

"richie -" the taller boy shut him up with a quick gesture, and grabbed the jacket from eddie's hands, placing it on the shorter boy's shoulders. eddie glanced at his own shoulders in discomfort. "see? what did i tell you? i look gross."

richie looked at him from up and down, slightly shaking his head in utter disbelief. he just couldn't comprehend how eddie could even think he looked bad with his jacket. to richie he was the living proof that angels were real and leaving amongst humans.

"turn around, baby." richie said. eddie didn't look conviced but obliged nonetheless, staring at his reflection in the mirror. "what do you see?" richie asked.

"a scrawny little white boy wearing something unworthy of him." eddie whispered sadly.

richie frowned in fake confusion. "huh. that's weird... because i see an angel?" he said, wrapping his arms around eddie's waist under the denim jacket. "a gorgeous one, even."

eddie scoffed, rolling his eyes. "piss off, richie."

"no edward, i certainly will not piss off." richie stated. "because here i am, a mere mortal, with no skills whatsoever, and i am in the presence of a proof of god's existance. i'm holding the purest little angel between my arms. and you wanna know what's the best part? he's wearing my fucking jacket!" he exclaimed happily, kissing eddie's cheek repeatedly. "i... love... you... so... much... my little... angel."

eddie giggled and turned his head around to kiss richie's lips lovingly. his hand hid between his dark mop of curls as he inhaled sharply. richie smirked against eddie's lips, his arms still around his small waist.

eddie was the first one to pull away, letting the kiss linger for a few seconds. "i love you, richard tozier." he whispered, his hot breath reaching richie's lips. "okay fine, i guess i look sort of okay with your jacket..." he looked down at his feet.

richie clicked his tongue repeatedly. "no, no, no eds. 'sort of okay' doesn't cover it. you look like an angel and that's that. i will not accept anything other than that." he crossed his arms like a little kid would.

eddie huffed trying to look annoyed but in reality his chest was bursting with pure happiness and genuine adoration for the trashmouth boy. "you're annoying."

"and you're an angel." richie simply replied, with a smooth wink.

"am not!"

"are too!"

"stop it!"

"you stop!"

"i am not an angel!"

"angel, angel, angel, angel, angel, angel, angel, angel, a -"

"if i say i'm an angel will you shut the fuck up?!" eddie groaned, pulling at his brown hair.

richie , knowing he had won this battle. "yes, please."

eddie sighed. he didn't want to say it but he would do anything to make richie shut his filthy ass mouth. "i'm an angel." he murmured.

"yes, you are bubba!" richie cheered, pinching eddie's cheek and making him whine. "you know how i knew how to make you crave?" eddie rose his eyebrows, questioning him. "well, the only thing you hate more than feeling ugly is me when i get cranky and annoying."

eddie snickered. "yeah i mean, you're not wrong. you really are annoying and cranky sometimes." he wrapped his arms around richie's neck, accidentally letting the jacket fall. but for some reason, neither of them really cared that much. not when the distance between their lips was so close to unexistant.

richie leaned in and kissed his pure little angel


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