thirty ; couldn't help it

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" and if you have a minute why don't we go talk about it somewhere only we know? "


richie looked down at the small brown haired head resting on his lap. he smiled as he noticed eddie's eyes were closed; he was sleeping. the trashmouth sighed and closed his eyes almost in content.

he was currently in eddie's room, the soft sound of music, which was coming out of his friend's boombox, reaching his awake ears. he had escaped his father's tight grip not even three hours prior.

his father, wentworth tozier, was one of the only things that terrified richie. just the thought of him made him sick to his stomach. he had grabbed him that day, and tried to pull his pants off. luckily, his mom had intervened and his father's dangerous idea was quickly wiped from his brain.

after that, richie just needed to go to eddie. he was the only one who could ease that pain. he cried with him, he let eddie hold him and kiss his forehead multiple times. after richie had calmed down, he asked eddie to lay on his lap. he liked having him there, and eddie was quite fond of it too. now he was asleep and richie wouldn't have it any other way.

as he looked back at eddie, a familiar song came on. just give me a reason by pink.

richie chuckled to himself. eddie. he looked down at the boy, softly whispering the lyrics at him whilst pink sang them; beautifully by the way.

"right from the start you were a thief, you stole my heart.. and i, your willing victim" richie smirked, letting his hand graze eddie's pink cheek. "i let you see the parts of me that weren't all that pretty, and with every touch you fixed them" richie felt eddie lean against his hand in his sleep, with a little hum that made richie's heart jump in his ribcage.

"now you've been talking in your sleep, oh oh, things you never say to me" richie knew that eddie had his own problems as well, what with his mom being... extremely abusive. shoving pills down his throats, pills that would never cure him because they were useless. placebos. "tell me that you've had enough of our love, our love.."

richie tozier wasn't scared of that word. he loved eddie. he loved him madly. obnoxiously, even.

he let pink sing the chorus by herself, as the words made their way to his ears. he couldn't take his eyes off his best friend, who slept like he didn't have a care in the world. and that's how richie wanted him. light like a feather, free of problems. but he knew that wasn't possible. eddie would be in pain again. and he would be as well.

he slowly pushed eddie off his lap, planning on getting him under the covers of his bed. eddie groaned softly, sort of feeling richie's absense. the taller boy caressed eddie's head. "sh sh sh, sleep eds. i'm right here. just sleep." he whispered tenderly, almost giving in to the temptation of kissing his cheek, holding himself back at the last second. pink and that other guy were still singing.

eddie sighed as he fell back asleep. richie got him under the covers, with the softest and slowest moves. once the boy was all tucked in, richie laid down next to him even though he wasn't under the sheets.

when eddie woke up, perhaps an hour later or so, richie was asleep. he also had an arm spread across his small body. eddie traced the length of richie's arm until his eyes went back to richie's face. everything came back to him in a matter of second and eddie felt his blood boil.

there were no words in the english language that could describe how much he hated richie's dad.

but richie was okay now. he was with him.

eddie glanced at his boombox. he realized somewhere only we know by keane was on. he smiled. richie loved that song. he looked back at him as the chorus came in.

and if you have a minute why don't we go
talk about it somewhere only we know

eddie moved closer to richie. his forehead slightly touched the taller boy's.

this could be the end of everything so why don't we go
somewhere only we know

suddently, eddie couldn't hold himself back. he planted a soft yet lazy kiss on top of richie's lips. he didn't budge. but that didn't last long.

richie's eyes were still closed but a big smile had formed on his lips. "am i on drugs or did you just kiss me?"

eddie blushed furiously. "sorry. couldn't help it." he muttered, whilst keane kept singing, the song was coming to an end but neither of the boys could notice that.

richie opened his eyes. "is that so?" his smirk grew wider and wider as he brought a hand to eddie's cheek. eddie leaned onto the touch just like he had done before while he was sleeping.

this could be the end of everything
so why don't we go,
so why don't we go,

after a short lip bite, richie kissed eddie back. eddie inhaled sharply at the surprising move but he was quick to kiss richie back. richie smiled against eddie's mouth as the smaller boy brought a hand to his hair, softly tugging at the dark curls that his fingers found in their wake.

this could be the end of everything
so why don't we go
somehwere only we know

somewhere only we know...

"somewhere only we know." richie murmured against eddie's cheek before kissing it gently. eddie giggled at the cheesiness of the situation.

"get in here, asshole." eddie smiled, referring to the covers. richie happily obliged to the request as he got comfortable under the covers of eddie's bed, holding him between his long and lanky arms. eddie did the same thing, feeling all the warmth that richie was providing him more than he ever did before. their foreheads were once again pressed against one another.

the music had stopped. probably because the end of the playlist had been reached at last. but the pair didn't care.

they closed their eyes and fell back asleep.


i'm sorry this is terrible i've just been reading a lot of fanfics throughout the day and i got all soft so i wanted to write something oh god i'm sorry anyways i hope you enjoyed uwu

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