thirty six ; jaws

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" JAWS "

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" JAWS "

" i'll stand by you, won't let nobody hurt you - i'll stand by you, take me in into your darkest hour, and i'll never desert you "


richie never thought that the worst day of his life would also turn out to be his best at the same time.

who could possibly guess that the day that he felt like he was gonna be eaten alive for sure was also the day that he and eddie kaspbrak would finally get their shit together, even if they were brutally pushed by the circumstances?

it was really sunny that day, nobody in that beach could've anticipated what was gonna happen that day. the water was practically swarming with people swimming, playing or just fooling around. it didn't feel like a giant white shark was about to scare that humongous crowd away.

the losers had been playing in the water all afternoon until they were too cold too stay there for longer. only richie decided that he wanted to stay inside some more, and his friends let him, which they'd beat themselves up for hours, days, months later.

mike and eddie were standing close to the shore, just looking around and enjoying the sun. well, eddie was mostly staring at richie swimming alone and not too far from the group of people.

but eddie's smile didn't go unnoticed to mike. "like what you see?"

eddie blinked. "huh?" he said, trying to play dumb.

"eddie, how stupid do you think i am?" mike chuckled. "i still don't understand what's stopping you from making a move on him." eddie didn't respond, he decided to look down at his feet instead.

truth be told, eddie didn't know either. he was sure that richie felt the same way as he did but there was still this feeling of uncertainty that bugged him. as if life didn't allow him to have a nice thing. his home life was probably what made him feel like that; he had felt fragile and miserable for so long, he thought the losers were his only reward, nothing else. he couldn't seek for anything else, that should've been enough.

but before he could think about how stupid it was to think that about himself, the people in the water started screaming and shrieking. for a moment, eddie didn't know what was going on.

"holy shit." mike muttered under his breath.

and that's when eddie saw it.

a great white shark was in the water.

"i'll go tell the others." mike said before running away from eddie to go find the rest of the losers. for what? eddie couldn't say. mainly because he had only one thing in mind.

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