twenty ; scared

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" it's a hard life to be two lovers together, to love and live forever in each other's hearts "


"and th-th-then mo-mommy s-said -"

"richie!" six year-old eddie called, interrupting six year-old bill as he spoke. seven year-old richie turned around. "sorry, billy." eddie pouted before turning back to richie. "i need to talk to you, rich. alone." he whispered in his ear.

"okay." richie nodded slightly confused. "be right back, big bill."

eddie led the way towards the kindergarten's coat room, where all the kids put their coats at the beginnig of every day. they stepped inside it and eddie closed the door.

richie didn't know what eddie wanted to talk about but he had a strange feeling in his gut, as if he knew it was gonna be bad. also, eddie's slightly heavy breathing was a definite sign as well.

"chee," eddie started and richie could already feel his heart racing. eddie only called him that when he was really worried about something. "if i tell you a secret, do you promise not to tell anyone?" he asked, sounding scared.

richie didn't think twice before replying. "yeah, of course eddie."

"okay." eddie sighed. "so, i was walking to school with mommy this morning and on the way we saw... something." he tilted his head down in embarrassment.

"and what did you see?"

eddie fiddled with his hands a bit before he responded. "two... two boys. in the street. holding... holding hands."

richie didn't say anything. but he did know people thought to boys together was a bad thing. adults said it quite a lot.

"and," eddie said. "they were also kinda... sorta... kissing and stuff." he whispered, as if he was scared of the word itself.

"okay." richie said, not sure of what his friend wanted to hear. "what happened next?"

eddie sniffled. "i-i don't know... m-mommy covered my eyes." he whimpered before he started sobbing silently.

richie, as a reflex, wrapped his arms around eddie and caressed his back. he could feel the smaller boy's fingers grip his star wars t-shirt tightly. "don't cry eds." was the only thing he could think of.

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