twenty two ; not terrible

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" so you sat and stared at my lips, and i could already feel your kiss "



"knock knock." richie said, slightly hitting the door to eddie's room which was already open.

it was the night before the big fight. the night before they had to face their greatest fears all rolled into one demonic being. and richie had decided stay the night at eddie, for old time's sake. "popcorn's ready." richie smiled.

"neat. let's go." eddie nodded with a shy smile as both him and richie went downstairs where the tv was.

eddie was a huge movie fan, and richie was delighted to be reminded of that. it was cute, he thought. he had quite a large selection and after long minutes of consideration, they both decided to watch mrs doubtfire , a classic that they were both very fond of during their childhood years.

the movie made them laugh until tears were popping out and richie, who was known for waving his lrgs and arms like a maniac when he laughed, kept on dragging the blanket they were sharing away from eddie and the shorter man had to hit him on the back of his head to calm him down.

when the credits started rolling, both of them had smiles plastered on their faces yet neither of them seemed to notice that eddie's legs had ended up on top of richie's lap. well, richie had. but he didn't say anything. we're such teenagers...

once the warm atmosphere started dying out, unsettling thoughts started to fill their brains. they were hours away from what could turn out to be the worst night of their lives. or even the last one, for that matter. what to do with that information?

eddie started playing with his fingers, trying to control his own thoughts. richiebjust looked at him trying to silently soothe him.

"rich?" he finally spoke up.


"do... do you think we'll make it? tomorrow? like - do you think we have a shot?" he looked up at the taller man, searching for a comfort that richie wasn't sure he could provide him.

richie bit his bottom lip. "i don't know, eds... we did it once, who's to say we can't do it again?"

eddie sighed. "i just... crap, i don't want to lose any of you guys. after stan i-i..." don't cry - this is stupid, you're a grown man, you need to stop telling yourself to stop crying.

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