ten ; sweater

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" 'cause it's too cold for you here, and now - so let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater "


"eds baby, are you sure you don't want to bring a bigger sweater?" richie asked his boyfriend. "we're camping after all."

eddie shrugged, he wasn't really cold in that moment so he didn't really think of the possibility of being cold eventually.

"he's not wrong eddie." mike commented, visibly concerned as well.

"guys c'mon seriously, i'm gonna be fine." eddie said. it didn't really convince any of the losers (specially not richie since he knew him better than anyone) but they decided not to push it. when eddie gets pissed off, it might as well be hell breaking loose.

richie shrugged and wrapped an arm around eddie's shoulders, knowing damn well the small boy couldn't resist that gesture even if he tried. eddie snuggled against richie's chest. "cold already?" richie teased.

"richie tozier, i swear to god."

at first, everything was fine. they had settled four tents, one for stan and bill, another one for ben and beverly's, another one for richie and eddie and another one just for mike (ben had offered mike a spot on his and beverly's tent but mike laughed saying there was no way he was gonna third wheel that fucking hard). but as the afternoon started coming to an end, eddie started feeling a bit chilly. he wouldn't dare to say anything, he was gonna prove to richie that he wasn't a baby.

eventually, the night came and the losers were sitting around a campfire mike and bill had worked very hard on. it was beautiful to look at, eddie thought. that's what he kept telling himself as he was trying to keep his mind away from the fact that he was freezing his ass off.

he looked around. all of them seemed fine and warm, they had big coats on them. richie has an enormous black sweater that looked huge even on him ! eddie could barely look at him, it made him feel even colder than he already was.

he hugged his form delicately, rubbing his arms in an up and down motion. richie glanced at him with a tiny smile. "you're cold, eds." he stated matter-of-factly.

"a-am n-n-not." eddie stuttered, letting go of himself but instantly regretting it as he hugged his knees, holding them tightly against his small chest. he was practically shaking.

"eddie, it's okay if you're cold." beverly chuckled, snuggling against ben's chest lovingly. "i think richie's sweater is big enough for the both of you." she commented in a teasing manner.

eddie huffed, still not wanting to admit he was slowly dying only for the sake of his own personal pride. but as the small boy glanced at his sorry excuse of a boyfriend, he couldn't help but feel the sweet burning of temptation taking over his body. it wouldn't be such a bad idea to share a sweater with richie...

the tall boy chuckled. "yeah, beverly has a point. come here, bubba." he smiled, pulling the bottom of his insanely large sweater up.

but eddie wasn't giving in that easily, no matter how much he wanted to. he scooted away from richie a little bit, his arms still around his knees. "no." he muttered, feeling weaker by the second.

"eddie ." richie said. eddie pursed his lips, hearing his actual name and not a silly nickname; he was being serious, and the thought of richie worrying about his health made him smile a little bit.

eddie finally sighed in defeat, turning towards richie. "i-i hate y-you." he muttered, crawling inside the sweater and slipping his arms between the top of the sleeve and richie's arm. eddie's back and richie's chest were like one. richie and eddie were like one. eddie was sitting between richie's legs.

the losers snickered. eddie pointed them with his index finger, dragging richie's arm with his own arm. "if you say one word, i'm flipping my shit guys." he warned, but that only made them laugh even louder. eddie narrowed his eyes at them. "go to hell, all of you." he said, crankily.

"but you're warm now, aren't you?" richie whispered against his ear, sending chills down eddie's spine. he was right, eddie wasn't cold at all now that he was comfortably snuggled between richie and his sweater.

"no." eddie grumbled, feeling his pride crashing down to his feet.

richie snickered at eddie's attitude and placed a loud, long and obnoxious kiss on his cheek, making him whine. "there's people here, richie! god!" eddie exclaimed, crinkling his nose and shutting his eyes.

"have you even met me, eds? i don't fucking care!" richie giggled, wrapping his arms around eddie which of course resulted in eddie wrapping his arms around himself as well. "i love you too much!" he whined very much baby-like.

"ugh." eddie said, deciding to give in to richie's poor attempts of being affectionate without being stupid. he laced their fingers together in both of their hands. "i guess i love you too." he said, closing his eyes and laying his head back to rest it on richie's shoulder.

richie chuckled, kissing eddie's neck gently. eddie giggled but didn't move, and this time the awws coming from the losers only made him feel warmer...


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