nine ; total despair

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" now that it's raining more than ever, know that we still have each other - you can stand under my umbrella "


it had been five months since richie tozier had stopped going to school.

for the first couple of weeks that he had been missing, everybody was worried sick and couldn't stop wondering where he could be. but by the time the third week went by, they started to forget all about the curly haired trashmouth.

but not eddie kaspbrak.

him and richie weren't exactly best friends, he could consider himself lucky if he could call him a proper friend. but eddie sure noticed him. every single time richie came to class, he'd see eddie's soft and welcoming smile from the other side of the classroom, making him forget about his fucked up life for just a second.

richie and eddie had talked quite a bit before the disappearance. richie had opened up about his life and the same thing for eddie. the smaller boy was beyond honored to be that one person richie had decided to trust. he cried, they both did. both of them had a really problematic homelife.

and then one morning, richie tozier, the obnoxious boy that had taken the liberty to steal eddie's heart, was declared missing. everyone was giving up on him, but not eddie. he was going to find him, he owed it to him.

one day, eddie was walking to the farmacy to get his medicine - sorry, his 'placebos' when suddently, he heard a sniffle. he stopped walking, and frowned to himself, trying to listen as hard as he could. and he heard it again, this time followed by a sob. eddie's eyebrows furrowed even more.

he turned around, trying to identify where the sound came from. but it didn't take him that much to figure that out because he saw a figure in the distance. it was a tall and lanky boy, laying on the sidewalk, pinned against a wall. he was shaking and crying, with a thin blanket over him and a dusty pillow under his ear.

eddie almost ignored him. almost. but when he noticed the glasses...

... he gasped.

he walked towards the boy, not entirely sure what he was expecting. would it be better if it was richie or if it wasn't richie? eddie didn't know. but once he approached the boy, he ahd no choice but to believe his eyes.

it was richie indeed.

"r-richie?" eddie stuttered out, as richie's head shot up. his eyes had lost their color, except for the red that covered them.

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