twelve ; distraction

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" all i know is that to me, you look like you're lots of fun, open up your loving arms - i want some, want some "


"i just don't get why we can't sit together if bill's sick!" richie protested when eddie had said no to richie sitting in bill's spot in class.

eddie chuckled. "don't be stupid rich, remember last time they let us sit together? we couldn't even pay attention!"

"nu-uh!" richie pouted. "you couldn't pay attention. you had the hottest man alive by your side so i can't say i blame ya." he smirked.

"you kept trying to suck my neck and we had detention for the rest of the week!" eddie exclaimed as if richie has completely lost his mind.

richie just shrugged it off. "same thing. pretty please, eds? i want to sit next to you." he pouted, wrapping his arms around eddie's waist. the smaller boy instantly relaxed under his touch.

he sighed. "you can try asking mrs puckle but i don't really think it's gonna work."

"oh please, my charms work on everybody eds."



"oh come on!" richie whined, after his fifth attempt of convincing mrs puckle to let her sit with eddie. the latter snorted from his seat, a couple rows behind. "why are you so mean?"

"mr tozier, i am just preserving the innocence of some people in this class." she stated.

"how cute of you to think that these people actually have innocence. you're adorable, denise." he smirked. one of richie's specialties was annoying teachers by calling them by their first names.

mrs puckle huffed. she was practically fuming she was so mad. "either way mr tozier, principal hawthorne has specifically told me to keep you two from sitting together."

this time, eddie frowned. he didn't know that. "woah, hey. why's that?" he asked, even though the answer was pretty obvious in the eyes of everybody.

"because you kids can't keep your hands to yourselves." she simply said.

"oh denise, be a little understanding here." richie protested. "i miss my little eddie spaghetti." eddie smiled despite the nickname. "besides, it's not going to be forever. bill won't have the flu forever or else he'd have the most rotten luck ever."

eddie giggled, instantly blushing. he looked up to mrs puckle. "come on mrs puckle. we'll keep it down, we promise." and he knew nobody could resist his puppy eyes so he put them in action, batting his eyelashes like nobody else could.

richie glanced at him, and groaned. "oh denise, are you really going to say no to that ?" he pointed eddie with his arm.

mrs puckle breathed in and out slowly, trying to keep her shit together. "goodness me. okay, you may sit together, but no -"

richie quickly grabbed his stuff and practically ran towards bill's empty seat, planting a long kiss on eddie's lips, causing him to giggle. "... monkey business." mrs puckle added, sighing in obvious defeat.

eddie and richie tried to keep their promise to be calm but it was simply impossible. they couldn't help but hold hands while doing exercises, which always lead to tiny loving looks, which immediately lead to an innocent kiss on the cheek which lead to... lips.

everyone couldn't help but snicker every time mrs puckle would catch them in their messy excuse of a makeout session. he'd glare at them, trying not to explode.

"we suck at this, rich." eddie said once their class was finished. they had decided to stick around in the classroom for a little while. eddie's head was on richie's lap while the taller boy was just lovingly caressing his scalp. "mrs puckle's right. we really can't keep our hands to ourselves."

richie snickered. "yeah, i guess we can't." he shrugged, looking down at eddie. "but still, i love sitting with you bubba." he really looked like he meant it. "sometimes i miss being near you, and i know it's stupid because you're literally right there but i -"

"shhh." eddie shushed him, bringing a hand to his cheek. "it's okay. i miss you too sometimes. why do you think i stare so much during class?" he chuckled.

"uh," richie scoffed. "because i'm a freakin' snack?"

eddie giggled. "yeah okay." he remained silent for a few seconds. "i love you, baby." he said. he didn't have a particular reason, he just really loved his boyfriend. he was the dorkiest dork ever and annoying as fuck the vast majority of times but it was that kind of stuff that made eddie fall for him in the first place.

richie booped the tip of eddie's nose with a grin. "i love you too, puppet." he said before planting a soft kiss on eddie's cheek. "this is going to be a fun day."

"yep. but let's try not to get detention, okay? mommy's gonna burry me alive."

"yeah don't worry eds. everything's perfectly under control.


"i can't believe you got us in detention! again!" eddie groaned. "i told you to keep it cool!"

"well eddie, you shouldn't have done the thing!" richie pointed out, as they headed to their first day of detention.

eddie frowned. "w-what thing?"

"you know, the thing ! that thing you do with your mouth..." richie answered.

"wha - you mean, smiling?!" eddie exclaimed, not quite believing his ears. "this is a whole new level, a really new fucking level..." but as he said these words, eddie coulsn't help but chuckle at his sorry excuse of a boyfriend that he cherished and adored with every inch of his being.


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