twenty three ; in public

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" you're every wonder in this world to me, a treasure time won't steal away "


each member of the losers club loved the other six to death, and all of them knew it very well.

but they had to admit it: the first exciting thing that had happened to their group in a while was eddie and richie getting together.

after a long, long time of flirting and not knowing what the other one actually meant or wanted, they finally got together. and the five other losers were very excited about that.

but believe you me, nobody was as excited as richie and eddie themselves. richie in particular found himself unable to take his hands off eddie during the entire saturday they had gotten together.

and eddie, of course, was all for it. but he had never been in a relationship before (richie had) which made him a tiny bit more shy than he would've liked to be. richie found it endearing and adorable.

for starters, eddie had never kissed anyone before richie so he was still kind of learning. he'd kiss him every chance he'd get. after the few first times, neither of them could get enough of it.

on sunday, they didn't see each other. eddie was busy with homework and richie was busy simply existing. his parents were out of town (when were they not, huh?) so he had the entire day to do absolutely nothing.

he craved for eddie so bad and he couldn't do anything about it. it was killing him.

and little did he know, eddie could barely focus on his homework as his trashmouth new boyfriend kept popping around in his mind more often than not.

finally, monday came. but the bummer was that eddie and richie didn't share morning classes with each other so they didn't see each other then either.

richie sat next to ben during chemistry class right before lunch and he couldn't stop his legs from bouching up and down. yes, both of them. that's how anxious he was.

and, needless to say, it was driving ben crazy. "would you cut it out already?!" he whispered-yelled at one point, making richie stop in shock.

"s-sorry. i'm just... shit, i'm just anxious." richie said with gritted teeth. he shook his head. "doesn't matter, you're gonna think it's stupid."

"it's eddie, isn't it?" ben asked, already knowing the answer. yes, of course it was eddie.

richie cringed. he didn't want to feel dumb but he kind of did. "is it that obvious?" richie huffed, resting his head against his hand.

"yup." ben smiled. "don't sweat it, richie. you'll see him at lunch." he chuckled, patting his friend's shoulder.

richie nodded, knowing that ben was right. it wasn't that big of a deal.

after a while, richie really though he was gaining back control of his emotions. but then the bell rang.

he picked his stuff up like freaking flash gordon would've and ran.

but when he got out of the classroom he bumped into a person, a rather short person, that richie almost ran over.

the person looked at richie with wide eyes and he realized those were eddie's wide eyes. richie let out a shaky breath.

"h-hey!" eddie squeaked, still kind of taken aback. "mr gutierrez didn't come so i-i figured i'd - ah!"

he was brutally cut off by richie scooping him in his arms. eddie cried out in surprise but was quick to hug richie back. "i missed you, eds." richie murmured against his shoulder.

eddie bit back a smile as he burried his right hand on the trashmouth's curls. "oh, me too big guy." he smirked.

richie chuckled, placing the smaller boy back on the floor, fixing his hair carefully. eddie giggled at the gesture.

"you're so pretty, eds." richie commented, shaking his head.

eddie rolled his eyes, pulling him for a soft and quick kiss on the lips. after that, they went for lunch with the rest of the losers.

of course, they sat next to each other. but just when eddie was about to start eating, he felt richie's large arms wrap around his body as he burried his dark mop of curls on the crook of his neck. eddie's eyes went open wide as he saw beverly pout, as if to say 'awh!'.

"richie, what are you doing?" the small boy chuckled nervously.

"nothing." richie hummed with a supid lovestruck smile on his face that nobody could see.

eddie looked up at the ceiling. oh my gosh.

the seconds went by and richie didn't seem like he was gonna let go any time soon so eddie just went ahead and started eating with the taller boy gripping onto him like a huge baby koala.

after a few minutes, everyone was pretty much halfway through their meals. eddie bumped his cheek against richie's hair. "rich. rich, you gotta eat something." he whispered.

"can't. it's too comfy in here." richie said, slightly shrugging his shoulders.

the rest of he losers snickered at the scene before them and eddie just narrowed his eyes at them.

a few more minutes went by and eddie didn't say anything else to richie, he just didn't move.

once everyone was done with lunch, richie finally decided to let go of eddie and start eating.

eddie chuckled. "seriously?"

richie turned towards eddie. "what?"

eddie was about so say something like 'you're an idiot' but the words didn't come out. instead he just smiled and kissed richie's cheek lovingly. "nothing." he simply said, his cheeks bright pink.

"good." richie replied with a cheeky grin as he started eating his lunch, ocasionally brushing his fingers against eddie's thigh or eddie's hand when it was resting on his lap. just simple gestures to remind the shorter boy that he craved for him in a way that he didn't think he'd ever be able to understand.


sorry for the *VERY* late update sksksk anyways this is pretty okay so yeah give me clout 😎🔥

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