six ; dancing

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" baby i'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms - barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song "


richie tozier loved parties. he was always the one that helped the losers sneaking into the coolest ones. the whole idea of forgetting about the world for one night was always quite tempting for the trashmouth.

of course, we're talking about normal days. this particular day, wasn't.

because on that day, wentworth tozier had been found dead in a ditch after being ran over by what the cops said was a big truck. it was late at night, he was presumably drunk.

richie's relationship with his dad wasn't very friendly to say the least. the trashmouth hated being stuck in the same roof with him, which is why sometimes he'd sleep at eddie's and him, being the sweet and caring boyfriend that he was, would welcome him with open arms. he was the first person he called after finding out about the incident.

there was a party the following night, one which the losers had actually been invited to. eddie had told him that he didn't have to go, and that he could stay home and get some rest. but richie had brushed him off, saying he needed a distraction.

now the losers were all in the dance floor, dancing the night away. well, only five of them. eddie and richie were on a couch, richie's head resting on eddie's lap whilst the smaller boy played with the boy's messy dark curls.

richie looked up at eddie. "hey." he said. eddie looked down, eyebrows up to which richie made a soft kissing noise. eddie giggled and pecked his lips sweetly. "mhm, i love you eds." richie commented, as they pulled away.

"i love you too, angel." eddie smiled.

they stayed like that for a while. but suddently, 'honey honey' by abba came on. richie felt eddie's knees move a little and he instantly knew why.

eddie loved abba.

richie felt a very uncomfortable pressure at the pit of his stomach. he knew that eddie was probably dying to go dance to this particular song with the rest of the gang, but he was staying for him.

i'm not doing this to him. "hey eds, it's okay if you go dance. i'll live." he said, getting up from the comfy position.

"huh?" eddie frowned, trying to look confused even though he knew exactly what this was about. "oh no, no, no, it's fine really. i'd rather stay with you." he smiled softly.

as much as he loved abba, he loved richie a billion times more.

during the song, richie saw eddie humming the lyrics without fail and tapping his foot against the ground. so the feeling of guilt never left.

the song finished and both on them felt a wave of relief all over them. but the next song was from abba too, it was called 'chiquitita'. a lot of couples were gathering in the dance floor, slow-dancing.

"okay fuck this shit." richie blurted out, getting up. he held his hand out for eddie to take it. "come dance with me, spaghetti man."

eddie blushed at the nickname. "are you sure? you really don't have to -"

"i know." richie cut him off. "but i said i was going to come to get distracted, right? so go ahead eds, distract me." he smirked.

eddie smirked back, holding richie's hand and letting him guide him through the dance floor. richie put his hands on eddie's waist as the smaller boy's hands went directly to his hair.

" how i hate to see you like this.... there is no way you can deny it.... i can see that you're oh so sad, so quiet " eddie sang, hoping that richie wouldn't notice that he actually meant the words.

but his sad smile, told him otherwise.

eddie pulled him closer, their foreheads touching. " chiquitita tell me the truth.... i'm a shoulder you can cry on. " he smiled. " your best friend, i'm the one you must rely on. "

and this time, richie smiled back. "you're such a cheeseball, you know that?" he chuckled even though he was pretty much close to tears.

eddie giggled as the fast part of the song began. he started singing more loudly, getting ahold of richie's arms and spinning him around. richie hated to admit it but he loved seeing eddie so ecstatic over a song.

eventually, eddie was just too cute for richie to handle so he just pulled him closer to his chest and they just started swaying along with the song.

"i love you so fucking much, eds." richie whispered against the shell of eddie's ear. "you're the only one who can make the most fucked up day look great. please don't ever leave me." he sighed.

eddie looked up at him. "i'll always be here for you rich, no matter what. and whatever problems come our way, we'll get past them because we have each other. right?"

richie kissed eddie's lips softly, making the kiss linger for a few seconds afterwards.

"always, my dear eds."


i'm not so proud of this one lol but enjoy it if you find it in ur hearts to do so

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