twenty nine ; the quarry

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" baby you're like lightning in a bottle, i can't let you go now that i got it - and all i need is to be struck by your electric love "



after the six remaining losers jumped into the water of the quarry, everything was silent for a little while. they all just closed their eyes and listened to their friends breathing calmly, feeling utter peace for the first time in what seemed like forever. but perhaps it hadn't been that long...

but that tranquility was quickly broken by beverly who saw fit to splash ben in water. he gasped loudly and with a laugh he returned the favor. soon enough, all the losers were joining the water fight.

and just like that, it felt like 1989 all over again.

it was like everythig was the way it was supposed to be. balance had been restored. life was good. life made sense.

soon enough, a hand on his wrist made eddie fall out of that moment but none of the losers seemed to notice, too caught up in the childish water game. eddie turned to his right and saw that richie was pulling him to the side. eddie didn't say a word as they both swam away from the group where the water was calm. it was clear that richie wanted to talk.

richie sighed. "hey." he smiled.

"hey." eddie returned the gesture, still feeling richie's hand on his wrist under the water, rubbing soothing circles on the low part of his arm connected to his wrist. "what's up?"

richie ran the fingers of his free hand through his hair. "well, uh... i didn't really thank you for, ya know... saving my sorry ass back there." he chuckled nervously.

eddie bit his bottom lip, suddently reminiscing. "i'm just glad you're okay. you really scared me back there, man." he said, unconsciously swimming a little bit closer to his best friend who didn't seem to mind a little bit more proximity.

"yeah. thank you. seriously. you were really fucking amazing back there, eds. who knows where i'd be if it weren't for you." he said, almost in a whisper. eddie felt a lump form in his throat just with that horrible thought.

richie started running his hands up and down eddie's forearms, and he let him. because, even though he'd rather die than admit this, he loved to be touched by richie. even if it was a slight nudge on the shoulder, eddie was on freaking cloud nine.

son of a bitch, i can't believe how fucking bad i want to kiss you...

suddently, eddie saw richie's eyes go to his lips for just a second before going back to his eyes. eddie would've never taken that as a sign twenty seven years ago. but after what they had just been through, with their friends' yelling in the background, eddie kaspbrak felt bolder than ever.

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