thirty three ; girls

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" if i showed you my flaws, if i couldn't be strong - tell me honestly, would you still love me the same? "

very, very, VERY foul things are said at one point. but i do not support them in any way nor do i support the character that speaks them. pls do not cancel me :( i felt terrible writing it if it helps in any way


eddie was putting his stuff away inide his locker when he heard a soft snicker coming from behind him. he turned round hesitantly and saw that the owner of the voice was the infamous greta keene. the biggest bitch in school, the master of emotional manipulation; a fact that'll be proven shortly.

"what do you want?" eddie rolled his eyes, thinking he'd easily get out of the conversation.

"oh, nothing." she smirked. "i just couldn't help but notice... you're trashmouth tozier's little love monkey now." eddie blushed. yes, he had been with richie for almost two weeks now but he didn't understand why that was of any interest to greta.

"the fuck do you care? got a crush on him or something?" eddie spat, closing his locker with a pretty loud thud.

greta snorted at the implication. "not even in my wildest, dirtiest dreams, kaspbrak." she said. "but you know," she said, walking closer to eddie as she placed one hand on the lockers, practically blocking eddie's left side. "we both know that wouldn't be such a problem for him."

eddie's blood went cold, all of the sudden. "wh-what are you talking about?" he stammered although he had a pretty good idea of what she meant.

greta chuckled, knowing she was havig the effect she wanted. "oh kaspbrak, i'm sure you're aware by now that your boyfriend goes both ways, if you know what i mean."

eddie scoffed. "i think the term you're so actively avoiding is bisexual. don't be scared of the word, greta." he narrowed his eyes at the bully, acting more confident than he actually was.

"okay, calm down princess." she colded him, approaching him a little bit more. their chests were almost touching and eddie didn't like it at all. "you should know that i'm only stating the facts here. i mean... for all you know, he could easily leave you for a girl if he wanted to." eddie shifted uncomfortably in his spot. "just think about it. we got tits to squeeze." she pressed her breasts against eddie's chest. he stopped breathing altogether. "we got a clit, very practical if you ask me. you rub it for a while and it makes us jizz all over the place but of course, you wouldn't know. easier to make someone cum like that than just jerking off a huge, sticky penis." she said, almost sounding disgusted. eddie wanted to throw up. knowing that she was making him feel like shit, greta smiled. "also, not that it matters but... the dirty talk is so much better coming from a girl, kaspbrak. when boys talk dirty to you it feels like a 40 year old man is corrupting you. you should ask trashmouth tozier if that's how it feels every time you guys do it."

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