seven ; seven minutes

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" you bring me to my knees, you make me testify, you can make a sinner change his ways - open up your gates 'cause i can't wait to see the light "


"seven minutes in heaven! if you say no, you're a pussy!" bev exclaimed. everybody groaned at her words and she giggled. "i'm sorry but there's some people who need to get their act together." she wiggled her eyebrows. only four people in the circle blushed, them being richie, eddie, bill and stan.

"christ." richie muttered under his breath. "the only ones who need to get their act together are you and benny boy over here." he commented, putting his arm around ben who was sitting in his left side, because eddie was in his right side. ben, growing significantly flustered, tried rolling his eyes in a careless way. of course, failing miserably. bev shot him a soft smile.

"very funny, richard." the girl said. "and just because you're being particularly annoying today, you and eddie will go first."

eddie looked up, his eyes filling with an increasing panic that could've made richie laugh if he hadn't been terrified by those words as well. "b-but - but bev...!" the smaller boy stammered.

"i will not take a no for an answer." beverly cut him off. "both of you. my closet. now." she placed her right hand on her hip and pointed at the closet with her left index. she kind of looked like a pissed off fourty year-old mother.

richie and eddie exchanged uneasy looks before heading to the closet, taking their time. once they were inside, beverly closed the door behind them with a smirk and a wink that sent chills down eddie's spine. "there's a power switch to your left, rich." she informed before the door was closed completely.

richie reached out and started touching the walls until he felt something different under his palm. he applied pressure and a little lightbulb turned on. the two boys glanced at it, just to avoid looking at each other.

"well this is a situation that i didn't see myself in with you, eds." richie chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. eddie only laughed nervously, muttering some sort of 'yeah'. "look eds... this is stupid, okay? we don't have to -"

"oh cut the crap richie." eddie cut him off, unable to keep his feelings for himself any longer. "you like me. i like you. we've liked each other since god knows when and it's honestly the biggest burden i've ever been a victim of in my entire life." he took a deep breath. "now... we've been locked in here. with seven minutes ahead of us, and counting. so please, for the love of god, kiss me." he pleaded.

richie didn't even think twice before taking the two steps that separated him from eddie, smashing his lips against his. eddie gasped against richie's lips slightly in surprise but slowly melted into the kiss.

eddie's right leg started caressing richie's left one, tracing it up and down. richie chuckled. "you know eds," he murmured, breaking the contact of their lips as little as he had to. "if you want me to carry you... all you have to do is ask." and he pulled away, looking down at his eds. his lips were swollen and he was on the edge of panting. eddie's hands were gripping the collar of his t-shirt while richie's hands were on his waist.

the smaller boy blushed. "o-okay... wanna carry me for a little bit?" he asked.

richie smirked. "got it your highness." he teased, gripping eddie's thighs between his fingers to pull the boy up. eddie jumped slightly and wrapped his legs around richie's torso and the trashmouth was pleasantly surprised when eddie attacked his lips again right when he considered he was comfortable enough.

richie took a few steps towards the wall to push eddie against it. the smaller boy bit richie's bottom lip playfully and giggled afterwards and not quite believing he had done such a thing. "whoops." eddie chuckled.

"uh huh? so that's how we're doing it? yeah?" richie challenged, before his lips went directly to eddie's neck, sucking on the untouched skin. the curly haired boy smirked slightly when he heard eddie whimper, tugging on his hair.


"yeah, eds?"

"i-i," eddie bit his bottom lip before speaking again. "we shouldn't make t-too... much noise. they're - they're still outside."

richie thought about it and nodded. "yeah, you have a point spaghetti man."

"don't call me -"

"shh." richie whispered, resting his forehead on eddie's. "not too much noise, remember?"

eddie rolled his eyes. he knew what he had said, but he craved for richie's lips on his again. "we could go somewhere else later... somewhere where we can make noise." eddie suggested, playing with the fabric of richie's t-shirt. "my place?"

"you had me at 'noise'." richie said, slowly letting go of eddie's thighs. eddie landed on the floor with almost no noise whatsoever. "how much time do we have left?"

"mhm, about five minutes." eddie replied, checking his clock. "what should we do until then?"

richie looked around and saw something that looked like a pile of blankets, and he smiled. "we could snuggle." he said, pulling eddie by the waist.

"i like the way you think, rich."

they sat down on the floor, covering themselves with a bunch of blankets. richie's arm snaked around eddie's torso and eddie's cheek rested against richie's chest. "this is nice." richie commented, softly.

"i agree." eddie said. "so i'm assuming this means we get to be more than friends."

richie snorted. "oh eds." he held him tighter. "have i already told you how much i love you?"

eddie smiled happily. "i love you too." he brought up richie's hand to his lips, leaving a gently kiss on the back.


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