eighteen ; for show

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" waking up, beside you i'm a loaded gun, i can't contain this anymore - i'm all yours, i got no control "


"why does he have to come?" eddie whined at bill, who was preparing a bowl of doritos for the movie night he was hosting. it was going to be a movie night between him, eddie and a guy named richie tozier, he had arrived to derry a few months prior.

and eddie absolutely despised him.

he was every single thing that he hated; richie smoked like a fucking chimney, made obnoxious and obscene jokes and seemed particularly interested in pushing eddie's buttons with stupid nicknames.

but bill on the other hand, didn't have any kind of problem with richie. in fact he found him hillarious, which eddie couldn't bring himself to comprehend.

"b-because he's our f-f-f-friend, e-eddie." bill simply replied, smoothly stealing a dorito from the bowl before settling it on the table in front of the t.v.

eddie snorted. "he's your friend, bill. not mine." he crossed his arms as he let himself fall on the couch out of frustration. "i can't believe you don't notice how fucking annoying that kid is!" eddie complained.

bill simply chuckled. "he's n-n-not annoying, eddie. y-you just say that b-b-because he likes to t-tease you." he smirked.

"exactly! i hate that, and he won't fucking stop! seriously -" but eddie's words were quickly cut off by the sound of the bell ringing. "the king of rome himself." eddie muttered under his breath, not moving from the couch as bill sighed and proceeded to open the front door.

there stood richie tozier himself, who was quickly crushing a cigarette against the ground with his foot. after this move, he smiled widely at bill. "big bill, lookin' fresh!" he exclaimed, giving the stuttering boy a quick hug.

"h-how are you, r-r-richie?" bill smiled, stepping aside to let the much taller boy in.

"fan freaking tastic." richie stretched his arms out, instantly feeling comfortable in bill's home. when he spotted eddie, still sitting on the couch, the biggest smirked creeped up his lips. "oh but would you look at who we have here!" he cooed before jumping on the couch, wrapping his arms around eddie. "my little eddie spaghetti!"

eddie squirmed trying to get out of richie's grip as he groaned loudly. "get the fuck off me you big brute!" he screeched in anger, only making richie laugh harder. "ugh, stop! bill, do something!" he looked up at bill searching for help but he was just chuckling and shaking his head in amusement.

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